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1156 results for traffic deaths
1156 results for traffic deaths

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More cyclists killed on Dutch roads

811 people were killed in road traffic accidents in the Netherlands in 2006.



Government organisation responsible for checking international traffic of goods and persons.


Industrial accident

A work-related accident due to or during paid work, except traffic accidents to and from work.


Semi-built up area

Area with some degree of paving not in use as an area for traffic and not a built-up area.


Gross wages and salaries

The category gross wages and salaries refers to employees on the payroll and includes - wages including employees' contributions to social insurances minus sick pay; - bonuses, holiday allowances,...


Dramatic decline fatal road accidents in 2008

Last year, 750 people died on Dutch roads.


Maritime data: big data source with great potential

A European project group led by Stastistics Netherlands is conducting a study on Automatic Identification System data


Donorregistration; region (classification 2019)

Donorregister, fixed choice, with or without permission Part of country, province, NUTS-region, municipality


Hoe treft coronacrisis de luchtvaart?

In februari 2020 is het aantal passagiers in de luchtvaart voor het eerst in zeven jaar gedaald ten opzichte van dezelfde maand een jaar eerder. Waar in januari het aantal passagiers nog steeg met...


Population Outlook 2050: more people with a migration background

The number of inhabitants with a migration background is highly likely to increase until the year 2050.


Continuing decline in mortality from acute heart infarcts

In 2014, over 139 thousand people deceased in the Netherlands. The number of deaths from an acute heart infarct in the Netherlands has been declining steadily since the 1970s, a trend which continued...


SDG 9.1 Infrastructure and mobility

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure: infrastructure and mobility. SDG 9.1 addresses provisions to transport people and information...


SDG 9.1 Infrastructure and mobility

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure: infrastructure and mobility. SDG 9.1 addresses provisions to transport people and information...


CBS mapping goods flows

CBS mapping goods flows


Population up by over 24 thousand in Q1

In Q1 2019, the population of the Netherlands grew more rapidly than in the same quarter last year. More than 24 thousand residents were added, nearly twice the number in Q1 2018.



Unit of measurement for traffic, representing the movement of a vehicle over one kilometre.


SDG 3 Good health and wellbeing

Latest data contributing to worldwide monitoring of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 Good health and well-being. SDG 3 ensures healthy lives and promotes well-being for everyone. Everybody must...



Area used for air transport and air traffic.


Railway area

Area used for traffic and transport by rail.


Transport diesel, high-sulphur

Fuel for diesel engines in road traffic (cars and trucks) with more than 0.005 percent sulphur.


Victim support

Assistance (mainly practical) to direct and indirect victims of offences, road traffic accidents and other calamities, consisting in completion of forms, support with legal matters and referral to...


Nearly 60 percent die from cancer or cardiovascular diseases

Nearly six in ten deaths are caused by cancer or cardiovascular diseases. Cancer has been the main cause of death in the male population for many years now. Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause...
