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1156 results for traffic deaths
1156 results for traffic deaths

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CBS develops dashboard on well-being in times of coronavirus

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) aims to make interpretation and implementation of its figures as easy as possible for its users.


Number of homicides halved over two decades

In 2019, there were 125 victims of murder or manslaughter in the Netherlands: 81 men and 44 women.


Record number of enterprise births in 2019

In 2019, over 207 thousand new enterprises were established in the Netherlands, 23 thousand more than in the previous year. The number of enterprise births within one year has never been this high.


Emissions to air on Dutch territory; mobile sources ,1990-2018

Air pollution, emissions and emission factors of mobile sources Road traffic, inland shipping, railways, aviation, navigation, machinery.


Pilot Study: Mobile Phone Meta Data Records – Introduction to the research method

Mobile Phone Meta-Data, mobile phone data, method, processing method, privacy, statistical disclosure control


Reliable data in times of corona and beyond

Reliable data in times of corona and beyond


Inbound commuters often live just across the border

In 2018, more than 80 thousand people were employed in the Netherlands while living in Belgium or Germany. These cross-border commuters mainly live in relatively small rural municipalities just...


Life expectancy increased in 2019

In 2019, the life expectancy for men in the Netherlands increased by 4 months to 80.5 years, for women by 3 months to 83.6 years.


Economy hit harder in most other EU countries

The Dutch economy was dealt a severe blow in the first half of 2020, with the contraction that occurred over the second quarter the severest ever recorded.


Looking back on the 2010s in figures

Using 15 indicators, CBS reviews the past decade: the 2010s.


Immigration lower again in May

In May, the number of immigrants was down by nearly half year-on-year, just as in April. Almost 9 thousand immigrants settled in the Netherlands last month.


The State; tax revenues, ESA 1999-2011

Taxes on income and property, production and imports and death duty in terms of the ESA 1995 categories.


Donorregistration; background characteristics

Background characteristics Sex, age, origin and generation


More road and maritime transport in 2018

In 2018, 1.71 billion tonnes of goods were transported to, from and within the Netherlands. This represents a year-on-year increase of 1.2 percent, entirely due to more freight traffic by road (1.6...


Transport and mobility 2016

Many aspects of mobility and goods transport are addressed.


How CBS reports on mortality during the coronavirus crisis

How CBS reports on mortality during the coronavirus crisis


Caribbean Dutch population up by over 800 in 2019

On 1 January 2020, the population of the Caribbean Netherlands stood at nearly 26 thousand, i.e. 830 more than one year previously.


More external migration in June

In June, the number of immigrants was up by more than 3.5 thousand compared to the previous month. Emigration increased as well, although less sharply: over 2.5 thousand more people left the...


Mortality during the first six weeks of the corona epidemic

From the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, mortality rose rapidly in the Netherlands. Excess mortality was estimated at 7,260 deaths over the first six weeks.


Heatwaves caused minor rise in mortality

Slightly more people died during the heatwaves in the summer of 2018 than an average week in summer.


13 people a day die after a fall

In 2018, a total of 4,628 people in the Netherlands died due to an accidental fall, nearly 600 more than in the previous year. This comes down to 13 fatal falls per day on average.


ClairCity: citizen-led air pollution reduction

active citizen involvement in reducing air pollution and CO2 emissions


56 percent fewer passengers at Dutch airports in March

In Q1 2020, the number of passengers travelling to and from the five national airports declined by over 20 percent on the same quarter last year.


Teenage mortality dramatically down since 1970s

On average, 373 teenagers in the age category 10–20 annually died in the Netherlands in the past decade. Nearly half of them died from non-natural causes. Traffic accidents are the most common...


More cyclists killed on Dutch roads

811 people were killed in road traffic accidents in the Netherlands in 2006.
