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768 results for families
768 results for families

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Social protection benefits by functions, criteria, implementation 1994-2012

Social protection benefits. Functions, criteria and execution.


Migration motive

Reason why someone moves to an other country.


Day trip

A recreational activity for which a person is away from the usual environment for at least two hours, without an overnight stay, excluding visits to relatives or friends, and excluding trips from a...


1.3 million people in the Netherlands hold dual citizenship

A total of 1.3 million Dutch residents hold more than one nationality, as the most recent survey conducted on 1 January 2014 shows. Since then, non-Dutch nationalities are no longer registered. Last...


More than half of Polish immigrants do not settle in the Netherlands

Last year, 13 thousand Poles came to the Netherlands versus 14 thousand in 2008.


Four out of ten people bothered by traffic

In 2007, 37 percent of people in the Netherlands reported being bothered by traffic in the neighbourhood where they lived. Most of the problems concerned speeding, but traffic noise and aggressive...


Three quarters of all young people want to marry

In the first nine months of 2009 there were fewer marriages than the year before. In 2009 as a whole there will be about 72 thousand marriages, 3.5 thousand less than in 2008. This decrease has to do...


More working mothers with young children

Over the past decade, more mothers with young children have become active on the job market. Three quarters of mothers with young children were employed or actively seeking work in the third quarter...


Employment participation rate also higher among mothers with non-western background

The employment participation rate among mothers with a non-western background is significantly lower than among native Dutch mothers, but since 2006, employment among women with a non-western...


Large municipalities account for three quarters of population growth until 2025

According to the new regional population and household forecast released today by the Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) and Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the Dutch population will grow by...


Person with a western migration background

Person originating from a country in Europe (excluding Turkey), North America and Oceania, or from Indonesia or Japan.


Caribbean Netherlands; vacation and sport, personal characteristics

vacation, sport sex, age , educational level


More and more young children grow up in large cities

In the four major cities (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht), the number of 0 to 5-year old children is growing, while in the rest of the Netherlands the number of young children is...


More households at poverty risk in 2008

Lage inkomens, kans op armoede en uitsluiting 2009. It describes recent developments in poverty and constraints in social and financial aspects.


What is my spendable income?

A household’s spendable income is the net annual amount it has available to spend. In general terms, it is gross income minus premiums and taxes.


11 percent of asylum status holders in work

Out of the asylum seekers who obtained a residence permit in 2014, 11 percent were in work after 30 months; 84 percent of status holders were benefit recipients.


Health main reason to quit smoking

Advice and encouragement from a health care provider is one of the main motivating factors to stop smoking.


Diversity in youth policy monitor, follow-up measurement (Dutch only)

Tables that reflect the living conditions and the use of facilities by native Dutch and immigrant youth in the family, school, leisure and employment and the diversity of personnel in the youth...
