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2220 results for agricultural areas
2220 results for agricultural areas

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CBS investigates imports of digital services

The past decade has seen our economy undergo a metamorphosis thanks to digitisation.


Exports nearly 9 percent up in November

In November 2021, the total volume of goods exports was nearly 9 percent up on November 2020.


Housing satisfaction; household characteristics, regions

Satisfaction with current dwelling and current living environment Owner or tenant, Household characteristics, Region


Lower nitrogen and phosphate output from animal manure

In 2021, total nitrogen output from animal manure amounted to 474 million kg, nearly 16 million kg less than in 2020 and over 6 percent below the nitrogen oxides emission ceiling. Phosphorus output...


Dutch Trade in Facts and Figures, 2021

This publication contains information on internationalisation in the Netherlands. Exports and imports of goods and services, export earnings, value chains, multinationals and investment are covered...


Vehicle kilometres goods vehicles; kilometres, vehicle weight, territory

Vehicle kilometres of lorries and road tractors (Dutch and foreign vehicles) by territory, vehicle construction years, gross vehicle weight


Strongest inflation in almost 20 years

The consumer price index (CPI) was 3.4 percent higher in October than in the same month last year.


Vehicle kilometres goods vehicles; kilometres, load capacity, territory

Kilometres and average annual kilometres by Dutch and foreign lorries and road tractors, by load capacity and age of vehicle


121 million euros paid in duties on imports from the UK

In the first eight months since the UK's departure from the European single market, a total of 121 million euros was paid in import duties on Dutch imports from the UK.


Greenhouse gas emissions lower in Q3 2021

IIn Q3 2021, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions showed a year-on-year decrease of 3 percent. The decrease is mainly due to lower electricity production.


Inflation rate up to 2.7 percent in September

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.7 percent higher in September than in the same month last year.


Using complexity science to understand social problems

On 1 January 2021, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) senior methodologist Frank Pijpers was appointed Professor of Complexity for Official Statistics at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).


Traffic performance motor vehicles; kilometres, type of vehicle, territory

Vehicle-kilometers Dutch and foreign vehicles, passenger cars, delivery vans, lorries, road tractors, special purpose vehicles, buses


The importance of reliable data in times of crisis

The COVID-19 crisis has brought with it a great need for reliable data, and national statistical offices (NSOs) are playing an important role in this regard.


Greenhouse gas emissions almost back at pre-COVID level

In Q2 2021, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions showed a year-on-year increase of 11 percent. This means emissions are nearing pre-COVID levels.


Economic importance of domestic exports has declined

In 2020, the Netherlands’ earnings from domestic exports accounted for 15.0 percent of GDP.


Dairy goat herd has increased again

The Dutch dairy goat herd keeps growing. As of this year, the herd size stands at 476 thousand, i.e. 4 percent more than last year.


Caribbean Netherlands’ unused labour potential at 3.4 thousand people

In 2020, there were 2.8 thousand people aged 15 to 74 years on Bonaire who belonged to the so-called unused labour potential. On St Eustatius, the unused labour potential comprised 290 people and on...


Inflation rate up to 2.4 percent in August

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.4 percent higher in August than in the same month last year.


CBS experiments with agricultural sensor data

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is continuously innovating, also in the field of business data collection. We are permanently on the look-out for new data sources and alternative ways of collecting...


Mapping the value of our natural landscape

Mapping the value of our natural landscape


Data alliance between CBS and National Rapporteur on Trafficking

Human trafficking and sexual violence against children are extremely serious crimes that have disruptive effects on the lives and well-being of victims.


Exports up by over 4 percent in October

In October 2020, the total volume of goods exports was up by 4.1 percent year-on-year.


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, third quarter – Non-tariff measures

In this Monitor, we offer insight into what NTMs mean in general and to Dutch trade in particular; the effects of NTMs on product quality and costs, and the extent to which NTM-related costs affect...


Unemployment slightly up in December

In December 2021, unemployment stood at 369 thousand. This is 3.8 percent of the labour force.
