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3990 results for newly constructed owner-occupied homes
3990 results for newly constructed owner-occupied homes
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House prices up by nearly 11 percent in July

In July 2024, existing owner-occupied dwellings were 10.6 percent more expensive, on average, than one year previously.


Existing own homes; purchase prices, price indices 2020=100

Price indices, number sold, changes and average purchase prices of existing own homes in the Netherlands


House prices up by nearly 9 percent in May

In May 2024, existing owner-occupied dwellings were 8.6 percent more expensive, on average, relative to one year previously. Prices were 1.1 percent higher in May than they were in April.


Construction industry; turnover change, index 2015=100

Construction industry. Turnover: index 2015 = 100, change. By activity (SIC 2008) and company size (all companies, 10 or more employed persons).


Existing own homes; purchase prices, price indices 2015=100

Price indices, number sold, changes and average purchase prices of existing own homes in the Netherlands.


House price decrease in March

In March, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 2.3 percent cheaper than in March 2022. In the previous month, the year-on-year decline was 0.8 percent.


House prices up by 7.5 percent in April

In April 2024, existing owner-occupied dwellings were 7.5 percent more expensive, on average, relative to one year previously. Prices were 1.0 percent higher in April than they were in March.


House price decrease in February

In February, prices of owner-occupied dwellings were lower year on year for the first time since April 2014.


House prices up by over 5 percent in March

In February 2024, prices of owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 4.3 percent higher than one year previously.


House prices up by over 4 percent in February

In February 2024, prices of owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 4.3 percent higher than one year previously.


House prices over 4 percent lower in April

In April, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 4.4 percent cheaper than in April 2022.


Construction; category of purpose of new buildings, building phase, region

Building costs, region, new buildings by building phase by region, new buildings by category of purpose


Construction; costs of buildings, building phase, type of client

Building costs, type of client, new buildings by building phase by type of client, new buildings by category of purpose


House price increase levelled off again in January

In January, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 1.1 percent more expensive than in the same month of the previous year.


Construction;value added, index 2021=100 and changes

Volume changes in construction, compared to the same period of the previous year and volume index figures, 2021=100


Construction industry; turnover change, index 2021=100

Construction industry. Turnover: index 2021=100, change. By activity (SIC 2008) and company size (from 1, from 10 or more employed persons).


Over half of Dutch people work from home sometimes

Over 5 million people in the Netherlands worked from home sometimes or most of the time in 2023, representing 52 percent of all people in work


Construction; value added, index 2015=100 and changes

Volume changes in construction, compared to the same period of the previous year and volume index figures, 2015=100


Construction; building costs, building phase, type of building

Building costs, building phase, type of building by building phase by type of building


Labour productivity increased further in 2022

Labour productivity in the market sector increased by 1.0 percent year-on-year in 2022. A year earlier, labour productivity still improved by 4.3 percent.


House price increase levelled off again in December

In December, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 2.7 percent more expensive than in the same month last year.


House price increase levelled off again in October

In October, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 7.8 percent more expensive than in the same month last year.


More new-build dwellings sold in Q4 2023

In Q4 2023, the number of newly constructed dwellings increased to 6.1 thousand; 15 percent more than one year previously.


House price increase levelled off further in November

In November, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 4.9 percent more expensive than in the same month last year.


Business confidence remains negative despite slight improvement

There has been a slight improvement in business confidence, which was -7.7 at the start of Q4 2024.
