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51 results for keyword:wages
51 results for keyword:wages

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Slightly more jobs than one year ago

In the first quarter of 2011, the number of jobs of employees was 34 thousand higher than in the same quarter of 2010, an increase by 0.4 percent. For the second consecutive time, employment was...


Employment  recovers further

The number of jobs of employees was 34 thousand higher in the fourth quarter of 2010 than in the fourth quarter of 2009. For the first time after eighteen months of decline, employment was higher...


Collectively negotiated wage rates up 1.3 percent in 2010

Wage rates negotiated under collective labour agreements (cao’s) were 1.3 percent higher in 2010 than in the previous year. This increase is significantly smaller than in 2009, when wages rose...


Modest but sustained job growth

The number of jobs of employees in the third quarter of 2010 was 13 thousand (0.2 percent) down on the third quarter of 2009.


Background characteristics account for lower wages second generation

Hourly wages of people with a non-western background working in the private sector tend to be lower than the wages of their native Dutch counterparts. Wage differences are smaller in the first than...


Equal wages for equal jobs? Jobs and wages in the public and private sector, 2008  (Summary in English)

This paper describes jobs, wages and wage gaps in the public and private sector in the Netherlands in 2008. Additional tables are available on request. Commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs...


Wage gap between genders narrowing

In recent years, the wage gap between men and women has gradually narrowed. Young men’s gross wages are on average approximately 10 percent higher than the wages of their female counterparts.


Statistics Netherlands and the 100 million pay slips

The average gross annual wage of an employee in 2008 approached 30 thousand euro.


Fewer jobs lost

The number of jobs of employees was 147 thousand lower in the fourth quarter of 2009 than one year previously, a decrease by 1.8 percent. In the third quarter of last year, 139 thousand jobs were...


Fewer jobs lost

In the fourth quarter of last year, 147 thousand jobs of employees were lost compared to the fourth quarter of 2008, a reduction by 1.8 percent.


Spending on disablement assistance for young people up

Spending on disablement assistence for young people (Wajong) have been rising in recent years. In 2003 spending amounted to nearly 1.3 billion euro, while in 2008 this had increased to nearly 1.9...


Slight job increase

In the first quarter of 2009 there were 23 thousand more jobs of employees than in the same quarter of 2008. This brought the number of jobs to 7.9 million.


Job growth continues into fourth quarter 2008

The number of jobs of employees grew by 108 thousand in the fourth quarter of last year relative to the same quarter of 2007. Employment also grew relative to the third quarter.


Job growth slows in third quarter of 2008

According to figures from Statistics Netherlands, there were 108 thousand more jobs for employees in the Netherlands in the third quarter of 2008 than in the same quarter in 2007. This is an increase...


Purchasing power markedly higher in 2006 and 2007

After a minor dip in 2005, purchasing power rose markedly in 2006 and 2007 to achieve the best results since 2001.


Jobs up 2.2 percent in first quarter

There were 172 thousand more employees in the Netherlands in the first quarter of 2008 than in the same quarter last year. This 2.2 percent increase is high in a historical perspective, but still...


Limited positive effect of leap day on Dutch economy

Once in every four calendar years a leap day is intercalated. The year 2008 is a leap year, but the extra day appears to have little effect on the economy.


Annual planning publication calendar

The annual planning publication calendar has been published today.


Workers less satisfied with pay and promotion prospects

Workers in the Netherlands were again less satisfied with their earnings and their prospects of promotion in 2004 than in 2003. Men were more satisfied on both aspects than women, but the differences...
