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59 results for keyword:transport
59 results for keyword:transport

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Most strikes in 2010 organised in mail and transport

Last year, 59 thousand working days were lost to strikes in the Netherlands. In nearly four in ten strike days, the disputes concerned collectively negotiated (CAO) wages.


More employees find jobs

In the fourth quarter of last year, the number of jobs of employees grew by 34 thousand (0.4 percent) relative to the fourth quarter of 2009. For the first time in eighteen months, the number of jobs...


Second estimate fourth quarter 2010: Dutch economic growth 2.5 percent

The Dutch economy grew by 2.5 percent in the fourth quarter of 2010 compared with the same quarter in the previous year. This second estimate of economic growth is 0.1 of a percent point higher than...


Provincial expenditure on public transport doubled since 2005

In 2011, the provincial budget for public transport amounts to 944 million euro, nearly twice as much as in 2005. In the province of North Brabant, the budget for 2011 is more than four times as high...


Dutch inflation a bit higher

Dutch inflation rose marginally in January to 2.0 percent, an increase by 0.1 of a percentage point compared to December.


Inflation rate slightly up

Dutch inflation was 1.6 percent in September, i.e. 0.1 percentage points up on August.


Feelings of insecurity most widespread among residents of the four major cities

Residents of the four major cities in the Netherlands are least likely to feel safe in their own neighbourhood. City centres in particular make people feel uneasy.


Number of unfilled job vacancies marginally down

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, the seasonally adjusted number of unfilled job vacancies was 122 thousand at the end of December 2009, i.e. 6 thousand fewer...


Private sector spend more on education

In 2008 spending on education totalled 37.6 billion euro. This is 2.4 billion euro more than in 2007.


Substantial drop in vacancies

The number of unfilled vacancies again saw a substantial drop in the second quarter of 2009.


More people changed jobs in 2008

Between 2007 and 2008, 880 thousand people changed jobs, as against just over 600 thousand between 2004 and 2005.


Turnover transport sector dramatically down in first quarter of 2009

Turnover of the transport sector declined by nearly 12 percent in the first quarter of 2009 relative to the same period in 2008. Last year, the transport sector realised a turnover growth of 3...


Prices public transport rise more rapidly than car costs

The Dutch spend 11 times as much on cars as they do on public transport, but public transport rates rise faster. In January 2009, public transport prices increased by 3.5 percent, the largest price...


Netherlands has busiest railway network in the EU

The Dutch railway network is the busiest in the European Union.


Nearly one in ten travellers occasionally shun public transport for safety reasons

Nearly one tenth of Dutch public transport users occasionally feel so unsafe that they opt for an alternative or prefer to stay at home.


National  problems hardly related to regions

There is hardly any difference between what Dutch people in urban and rural areas define as urgent national problems.
