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245 results for keyword:sustainability
245 results for keyword:sustainability

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Dutch government policy from the perspective of the SDGs

In May 2016 the Dutch Cabinet presented its approach to implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Netherlands.


Study completed on data availability of SDGs on CN

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has been commissioned by the standing committee on Kingdom Relations to examine the availability of indicators from chapter 4 of the Monitor of Well-being & the SDGs for...


Well-being high in 2019, but more pressure on environment

Although well-being in the Netherlands increased in 2019, not everybody benefited from this equally. Well-being is under pressure in a number of areas: time lost through traffic congestion, less...


Mapping the value of our natural landscape

Mapping the value of our natural landscape


SDGs in the Netherlands: Status Report 2020

This report provides a statistical update of progress towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in the Netherlands.


Well-being differs between men and women

On a number of aspects, the well-being of men in the Netherlands is higher than that of women. For example, men are more likely to rate their own health as good or very good. Women do better than men...


Monitor of well-being & the SDGs 2020

Development of well-being in the Netherlands from an economic, ecological and societal perspective and Dutch progress on the UN SDGs.


Business solar capacity now exceeds residential

In 2019, the installed capacity of commercial and industrial solar systems exceeded that of home solar systems for the first time. Total installed capacity grew by 2,265 to 6,874 megawatts (MW).


Smaller material footprint, more recycling than the EU average

The Netherlands consumed over 20 percent fewer materials than in 2000. Material consumption per capita is lower than average in the EU and the material footprint per capita is lower.


Spending; consumption household, 1995-2019

Changes, indices, shares, value of consumption of households by type of goods and services.


The Sustainable Development Goals in the Dutch context

Update of SDGs in the Netherlands 2019. Part 2 of the Monitor of Well-being & SDGs 2019 (English)


Dutch environmental footprint increases slightly

The average greenhouse gas footprint of Dutch consumers rose from 15.1 tonnes CO2 equivalents per capita in 2017 to 15.8 tonnes in 2018. Between 2008 and 2016 the footprint declined. Consumption of...


Many aspects of well-being improving – but not all

Longer-term trends in many areas of well-being in the Netherlands are upwards, and some aspects have shown recent further improvement. There have also been deteriorations, particularly in the areas...


Importance of environmental sector increasing

In 2016, the Dutch environmental sector represented a value added of 15.8 billion euros, contributing 2.2 percent to gross domestic product (GDP) that year. The share of the environmental sector in...


Most households practise energy conservation

People who say they care about the environment also practise energy conservation


The SDGs: the situation for the Netherlands

In 2015, the members of the United Nations (UN) adopted an agenda for sustainable development


Dutch GHG footprint larger in 2017

Following a decline as of 2008, the GHG footprint of the Netherlands increased again, according to initial estimates.


Well-being not distributed equally

Highly educated people often have a higher level of well-being than lower educated people but are more often victims of crime.


Well-being improving

Well-being in the Netherlands in het algemeen omhoog. In de voorbije acht jaar waren maar drie van de 21 zogeheten brede-welvaartstrends neerwaarts


More sustainable cocoa processed

An increasingly large proportion of cocoa purchased by Dutch cocoa processing companies is certified sustainable according to the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.


Netherlands closer to achieving sustainability goals

Second measurement of the Netherlands' progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals


Statistics Netherlands visualises green growth

the results of ‘green growth’, based on the themes economic opportunities and natural resources.


Employment in environmental sector up

Developments in the area of Green Growth


Background information Green growth and Green growth overview

Background information Green growth (pdf) and Green growth overview (xls)


Relatively high prosperity, but at a cost

The Sustainability Monitor 2017 was presented to the Dutch House of Representatives on 17 May.
