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226 results for keyword:services

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Business cycle tracer

Statistics Netherlands’ BCT is a tool to assist in the analysis of the state and the course of the Dutch economy.


Household consumption over 6 percent up in July

Consumers spent 6.2 percent more in July 2022 compared to one year previously. They spent more on services, but less on goods.


Household consumption over 5 percent up in June

Consumers spent 5.2 percent more in June 2022 compared to June one year previously. They spent more on services, but less on goods.


Household consumption over 7 percent up in May

Consumers spent 7.3 percent more in May 2022 compared to May one year previously. They spent more on services, but less on goods.


Internationalisation Monitor 2022 Q2 – International trade in services

In this edition of the Internationalisation Monitor we provide more insight into international trade in services: how did it develop in the past years and what barriers do firms encounter when they...


Household consumption almost 15 percent up in April

Consumers spent 14.8 percent more in April 2022 compared to April one year previously. They mainly spent more on durable goods and services.


Household consumption over 11 percent up in March

Consumers spent 11.2 percent more in March 2022 compared to March one year previously.


Household consumption almost 14 percent up in February

Consumers spent 13.8 percent more in February 2022 compared to February one year previously.


Household consumption over 11 percent up in January

In January 2022, Dutch household consumption was 11.1 percent up on January 2021.


Personal Inflation Calculator

Personal inflation calculator to estimate the inflation rate that corresponds to your personal consumption pattern.


Service exports down more sharply than goods exports

In 2020, the Netherlands exported 223 billion euros in services, including advertising services and streaming of series and music.


Working with businesses to collect CPI data

Working with businesses to collect CPI data


Measuring online platforms

Measuring online platforms: definitions, actors and statistical challenges


The Netherlands importing more business services

In Q1 2018, business services imports by Dutch companies amounted to 16 billion euros.


Dutch export of business services at €42 billion

The export of services in 2016.


Exports of services account for 10 percent of GDP

The overall value of exported services was 122 bn euros in 2015.


Biggest price changes

The consumer price index shows the price changes of goods and services in the Netherlands.


Private sector more confident

At the start of Q3, business confidence has increased relative to one quarter previously. After a dip in Q2 2013, business confidence reached the highest level since Q3 2011.


Statistics Netherlands flash estimate: economic growth still fragile

According to flash estimate of economic growth the Dutch economy grew by 0.2 percent from the second quarter to the third quarter of 2014.


Job vacancies continue slight growth

Number of job vacancies rose slightly in the second quarter of 2014: there were 4 thousand more vacancies than in the previous quarter. This is the fourth quarter in a row that the number of...


Economic situation more or less stable

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation at the end of May was about the same as at the end of April. The economic situation is still fragile, the...


Number of job vacancies continues to rise

The number of job vacancies rose by 7 thousand in the first quarter of 2014. At the end of the first quarter of 2014 there were more job vacancies in nearly all industry sectors. This is now the...


Sustained increase exporters

In 2012, the number of export companies grew by 10 thousand to 126 thousand. It has grown for the third consecutive year.


Number of vacancies further down

Adjusted for seasonal variation, there were 91 thousand unfilled vacancies at the end of June, a reduction by 6 thousand relative to the first quarter, which means that the downward trend continues.


Household spending in decline

Household spending on goods and services was down by 1.9 percent in April 2013 on April 2012. Spending has been in an almost continuous decline for nearly two years now.
