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Fact sheet port of Rotterdam
This fact sheet shows information about transport flows to and from the Port of Rotterdam and the number of ships entering, and compares its importance and size with other major European ports.
Regional innovation in the Netherlands, Community Innovation Survey 2010, 2012 (Dutch only)
Custom-made tables with innovation by region. To compile these tables, Statistics Netherlands’ Centre for Policy Related Statistics has regionalised the Community Innovation Survey (CIS Survey)....
fewer young people in the Caribbean Netherlands than in the Netherlands have a side job
Around three in ten young people in the Caribbean Netherlands are employed. It is more difficult for young inhabitants on the islands than those who live in the European part of the Netherlands to...
Labour force in Caribbean Netherlands: relatively more people in work
The labour force in the Caribbean differs from that in the Netherlands in a number of respects: relatively more people in the Caribbean (15- 74 years) are employed, and relatively more of them work...
Regional differences in long-term care use by elderly and chronically ill people in 2012 (Dutch only)
Tables and a research description on the regional differences in long-term care use by elderly and chronically ill people in 2012. The tables show the regional use of long-term care, an analysis of...
Many Caribbean households consist of extended families
Just over one in ten households in the Caribbean Netherlands comprise relatives in addition to the nuclear family. These extended families in one household are rare in the Netherlands. Nearly half of...
Residents St Eustatius enjoy highest incomes in Caribbean Netherlands
On Bonaire, the median disposable household income was 21.1 thousand dollars, on Saba 20 thousand dollars and on St Eustatius 23.3 thousand dollars. Incomes ranged from 6 thousand dollars for the...
Nearly four out of ten babies in the Caribbean Netherlands born to a single mother
Nearly four out of ten children born in 2012 in the Caribbean Netherlands > were born to into a single parent household, usually a single mother. The same is true for live-born children in the...
Value of goods imported on Saba 15 percent up from 2013
Statistics Netherlands announced today that Saba is the only island within the Caribbean Netherlands to show an increase in the value of imported goods in 2014 compared to 2013. The value of imported...
Tourism in the Caribbean Netherlands in 2014
The number of tourists flying into the Caribbean islands Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba in 2014 was almost the same as in 2013. Tourists arriving by boat are also an important driver for tourism on...
5.5 billion euros road tax revenues in government coffers in 2015
The Dutch government expects to receive 5.5 billion euros in revenues from motor vehicle tax in 2015. This tax, also known as road tax, consists of two parts. The largest part, nearly 4 billion...
Randstad region and central part of the Netherlands attract many job seekers
In 2013, nearly 850 thousand people were less than one year active in their current job. Nearly a quarter of a million of these people were working outside their region of residence.
Inhabitants of the Caribbean Netherlands usually feel safe
In 2013, more than 25 per cent of the population in the Caribbean Netherlands felt sometimes unsafe. Half of the population is of the opinion that there is no crime and 40 per cent that there is...
The ESS report 2012
This first edition of the ESS Report provides information on the organisation and structure of the ESS and some of its key achievements and initiatives in 2012. It examines an increasingly important...
2.5 percent of Dutch housing stock vacant for extended period of time
More than 400 thousand houses in the Netherlands are unoccupied; 190 thousand (2.5 percent of the dwelling stock) remain occupied for more than eighteen months.
nearly all Dutch provinces affected by recession
The latest figures released today by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) show that nearly all Dutch provinces were affected by the economic recession in 2013.
The Rationale of spatial economic top sector policy
Cities and clusters are important from an economical point of view. According to various national and international studies, agglomeration economies mean that businesses in urban areas and clusters...
Number of municipalities further down
On 1 January 2014, the Netherlands comprises 403 municipalities, versus 408 on 1 January 2013.
Nearly 6 percent of adults receive long-term care on medical grounds
By the end of last year, 5.6 percent in the Dutch population aged 18 years or older received long-term AWBZ funded care on medical grounds. The proportion is considerably higher in older age...
Proceeds road tax surcharge expected to exceed 1.5 billion euros in 2014
In 2014, provincial authorities expect to receive 1.5 billion euros from the surcharge on road tax, i.e. 68 million euros more than in 2013.
Foreign companies in the Netherlands: more productive but not more profitable
The average labour productivity of Dutch companies under foreign controlin the period 2008-2011 was considerably higher than of other Dutch companies. This is evident from data on the companies in...