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Population; key figures
Population: key figures by sex, marital status, age, foreign background, households and population growth
Population of the Caribbean Netherlands up by over 900
On 1 January 2022, the population of the Caribbean Netherlands stood at 27,726.
Higher population growth due to more immigration in Q1
In the first quarter of 2022, the population of the Netherlands increased by 49.8 thousand. This is considered strong growth for a first quarter.
Population growth in Q3 back at pre-COVID level
In Q3 2021, the population of the Netherlands grew by 58.7 thousand. Births exceeded deaths by 10.0 thousand, while immigration and emigration accounted for the rest of the growth.
Population up by 12.8 thousand in Q1 2021
In Q1 2021, the population of the Netherlands grew by 12.8 thousand.
The number of immigrants and emigrants to and from the Netherlands, and net migration
How many people die in the Netherlands?
Population growth
Population growth in the Netherlands 1900-now. Birth, death, immigration, emigration.
The yearly number of live births in the Netherlands, from 1899 onwards
Population growth halved in 2020
In 2020 – the year of coronavirus – the population of the Netherlands grew less rapidly than in previous years.
Key figures of the population forecasts 2020-2070
Forecast; population, births, deaths and migration with forecast intervals
Population pyramid
Population pyramid x 1,000 Age composition in the Nederlands 2023 (estimate)
More external migration in June
In June, the number of immigrants was up by more than 3.5 thousand compared to the previous month. Emigration increased as well, although less sharply: over 2.5 thousand more people left the...
Population growth already at the same level as 2018
In the first three quarters of 2019, the population of the Netherlands grew by 102 thousand, over 23 thousand more than in the same period last year and almost the same as population growth over the...
Immigration up in first half of 2019
In the first six months of 2019, the population of the Netherlands grew more rapidly than in the same period last year.
Population and population dynamics by month; 1995-2018
Monthly statistics, size of the Dutch population and births, deaths, external migration, marriages, divorces and requests for asylum,
More deaths than births in Q1
The Netherlands saw net population growth in Q1 2018 at 12.5 thousand. Natural growth (births minus deaths) was negative, net migration positive.
Population up by over 100 thousand in 2017
The population of the Netherlands again saw relatively strong growth in 2017.
Key figures of the population forecasts 2017-2060
Population, births, deaths and migration Forecastinterval
Caribbean Netherlands; population; sex, age, 2002-2016
Population Dutch Caribbean Sex, Age
Quasi stochastic population forecasts
Population forecast intervals obtained from 6 variants using a new technique are compared to stochastic forecasting.
Population growth on Bonaire mainly due to immigration
The population of Bonaire grew by over 20 percent between 2011 and 2016 to 19.4 thousand residents.
Caribbean Netherlands; population growth 2007-2015
Population growth of Caribbean Netherlands Births, deaths, migration
Migration contributes less to population growth
Compared to other EU countries, a large part of the Dutch population increase is due to natural growth.
Population statistics
Population statistics provide information about the size and composition of the population of the Netherlands as at 1 January. In addition, the statistics provide information about population...