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91 results for keyword:innovation
91 results for keyword:innovation

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CBS mapping online platforms

We are trying to assess how many online platforms there are. This is not information which we can simply derive from our business registers


Import competition and firm innovation, 2000-2010

The influence of import competition on innovation by Dutch manufacturing firms during the period 2000-2010.


Non-stop information with the virtual CBS assistant

it’s possible to access CBS open data through speech recognition!


Big Data value for the public and private sector

The Big Data Value Association (BDVA) aims to put Big Data firmly on the map in order to boost European economic competitiveness and societal progress


Rising number of innovating businesses

In the period 2014-2016, the number of companies implementing technological innovations rose to nearly 20 thousand, up by nearly one thousand relative to the period 2012-2014. This involves new or...


Information Dialogue: CBS answers your questions 24/7

The aim is to offer 24/7 information to policy-makers, companies and other users in the best and most accessible way


The Hague expands on smart city ambition

At the UDC, data from the Municipality of The Hague can be combined with CBS’s data


Data scientists inspired by innovative CBS research

the ultimate challenge for data scientists is to develop methods that ‘translate’ huge amounts of data into high-quality statistics


Climate change is firmly on the agenda in Zwolle

What existing data can be used to adapt to climate change, and what new data in this field does the region of Zwolle need most?


How much will my home be worth later on?

What are the dynamics behind house price fluctuations and how high is the risk of severe depreciation for homeowners


CBDS and LCDS: deeper cooperation in data science

From collecting, refitting and interpreting data to analysing and visualising


UN hackathon produces surprising results

innovative product for the general public about the younger generation and Sustainable Development Goals


Increased R&D spending in 2016

R&D expenditure in the Netherlands in 2016


CBS and The Hague unite ambitions in a new UDC

News article CBS and The Hague unite ambitions in a new UDC


Internationalisation Monitor 2017, third quarter

The Internationalisation Monitor describes trends in internationalisation and their consequences for the Dutch economy


CBS Urban Data Centre/The Hague launched

innovative developments in the area of Sustainable Development Goals


Which SMEs are ready for big data?

small and medium-sized enterprises ready for new services based on big data


CBS Urban Data Centres: local policy insights

CBS Urban Data Centres: local policy insights


Venlo using data more effectively for city and region

Venlo is able to deploy data more effectively in municipal and regional policymaking


Education more challenging with Big Data

Analysis of big data is becoming ever more important for governments to facilitate effective


Spark: more computing capacity for big data productions

with Spark enables researchers and statisticians to process large amounts of data at high speed


Innovation must come from SMEs

By combining of registers and other sources, CBS offers more insight into the patchwork of SMEs in its annual review and its renewed website


ICT, knowledge and the economy 2016, summary

This summary in English reviews the key facts from each chapter of the publication, item by item.


CBS launching Center for Big Data Statistics

Statistics Netherlands is focusing more and more on the use of big data for official statistics production.


Statistics Netherlands invests in Spark to process big data

Over the next few months, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) will invest in a new computer system: Spark.
