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112 results for keyword:incomes
112 results for keyword:incomes

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Burden of income tax and social security contributions remains stable

In 2013 the gross income of Dutch households averaged nearly 58 thousand euros. The tax authorities received 6.0 thousand euros in income tax from this amount and 5.4 thousand euros in social...


Incomes rising slightly, household debts continue to fall

In the first quarter of 2014 the net real disposable income > of households was 0.2 percent higher than in the first quarter of 2013. It is the first rise in two years. Household debt fell by 2.4...


One in six single female old age pensioners have low supplementary incomes

In 2012, nearly 2 million households received old age pensions. In 173 thousand cases, the supplementary incomes of over-65 households did not exceed 250 euros a month. Among these households were...


Dutch women increasingly have a higher income than their husbands

Dutch women are increasingly earning more than their partners. In 2002 some 13 percent of Dutch couples aged between 15 and 65 had the woman as their main earner, whereas in 2012 this was the case in...


Income data employed living on long-term low incomes; characteristics and explanations (Dutch only)

This report includes results on the composition of the category of employed living on long-term low incomes and the factors which determine why people are trapped in a long-term low-income situation....


Poverty Survey 2013: Sharp rise in poverty in 2012, but growth expected to weaken

The poverty rate in the Netherlands increased sharply in 2012, as in 2011. Estimates suggest weaker growth in 2013 and a further reduction in 2014.


Municipal debt exceeds 50 billion euros

Mid-2013, the overall municipal debt in the Netherlands was nearly 51 billion euros. The municipal debt has grown for the sixth year in a row.


Household consumption down in the Netherlands, up in adjacent countries

The sustained downturn in household consumption in the Netherlands in recent years has frustrated economic growth. Households cut back on spending because their incomes do not allow them to spend...


Young people in low-income households more often overweight

Approximately 15 percent of 2 to 25-year-olds struggle with overweight. Young members of low-income households are more often overweight and have more GP contacts than their counterparts in the...


Children in stepfamilies underachieve on Cito test

In 2011, children in primary school group eight had an average Cito (Dutch National Institute for Educational Measurement) score of 536. Boys and girls in high-income families scored above average....


Well-off people live longer in good health

Men and women from high-income households on average live about 8 and 7 years longer respectively than their counterparts in low-income households. The difference with respect to the number of years...


Substantially higher spending on care allowance in 2011

The Dutch government paid 4.7 billion euro in care allowances in 2011, nearly 0.9 billion more than one year previously. The increase is related to an increase in the standard premium for health care...


Natural gas revenues reduce public deficit

The sale of natural gas is an important annual source of income for the Dutch government. Last year, revenues amounted to 12.4 billion euro. If natural gas revenues are not taken into account, the...


Millionaires in figures (Dutch only)

This report describes the characteristics of millionaires in the Netherlands in the period 2006-2011. Commissioned by Van Lanschot Bankiers


National accounts of the Netherlands 2011

The national accounts are the official overview statistics of the Dutch economy. These statistics play a central role in economic and monetary policy-making and policy analysis and are indeed the...


Purchasing power erodes further in 2011

The Dutch population lost 0.4 percent of their purchasing power last year. The loss in 2010 was 0.6 percent.


Income and capital in old age - comparing the former self-employed and employees (Dutch only)

Self-employed people receive less pension but have more capital than employees, on average. What does this mean for their financial position? Commissioned by: Ministry of Social Affairs and...


40 percent gender income gap self-employed without personnel

The incomes female self-employed without personnel generate form their own business are considerably lower than those of their male counterparts. Women are also more often active in sectors where...


Government collects 13 cents of every euro spent by Dutch households

The average Dutch household spent 32,500 euro in 2010. Indirect taxes, for example VAT and excise duties, account for 4,320 euro, i.e. more than 13 cents of every euro spent by Dutch households.


Concurrence of care and income 2009 (Dutch only).

Figures on the size of the group of individuals with multiple services at the same time in the domains of care and income in 2009. Commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW).


Incomes of graduates (Dutch only)

Data on incomes of graduates from secondary vocational education (mbo), higher vocational education (hbo) and university over the period 2007-2009. Commisioned by the Dutch Ministry of Education,...


Statistical Yearbook, 2011

The Statistical yearbook is a source of many figures on nearly all aspects of Dutch society.


Amsterdam has highest proportion of long-term low incomes

Households who have been living on low incomes for four years or more are mainly found in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague. Four in ten municipalities with the greatest risk of long-term poverty...


On average, higher educated earn twice as much as lower educated

The average, annual gross income of employed people exceeded 36 thousand euro in 2009. Higher educated earned nearly twice as much as lower educated.
