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32 results for keyword:budget deficit
32 results for keyword:budget deficit

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Peter van de Ven appointed Vice Chairman of CMFB

Peter van de Ven, head of National Accounts at Statistics Netherlands, was appointed Vice Chairman of the Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics (CMFB) at its Plenary...


Budget deficit down substantially in 2005

The balance of the Dutch government budget according to the EMU definition came to -0.3 percent of GDP for 2005. This means the government deficit stayed well within the limits of the European 3...


Government deficit down to 2.3 percent

The Dutch government deficit according to the EMU definition was 2.3 percent in 2004, once again within the limits of the European norm of 3 percent. In 2003 the deficit was still 3.2 percent....


Government deficit and debt according to EMU definitions

The member states of the European Union have committed themselves to curbing government deficit and government debt.
