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4760 results for fuel pump prices
4760 results for fuel pump prices

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CBS index figures for shares in investment and property investment funds

Share index and total return index Investment - and property investmentfunds (average of the month)


CBS, Google and Dataprovider develop new method to measure internet economy

The resulting new method is to shed further light on the size of the internet economy in the Netherlands.


Government Finance Statistics; key figures 1987 - 2013

Revenue and expenditure, net balance and debt of the general government sector, in million euros and as a pecentage of GDP.


Netherlands Housing Research 2009

This study is carried out jointly by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Integration and Statistics Netherlands. The report with the outcomes and conclusions of the study, Het wonen overwogen,...


Statistics of International trade in services

To provide and publish data on imports and exports of services by enterprises and individuals registered in the Netherlands.


Buying power households declining in 2003

In 2003 the real spendable income of households decreased for the first time in ten years. Corporate profits shrank but there were higher profits in banking. The budget deficit went up, mainly caused...


Health expenditure; providers, functions, internat. comparisons, 2005-2016

Health accounts; providers and functions, with link to Dutch health and social care accounts


Health accounts; providers and functions, 2005-2013

Health accounts; providers and functions, with link to Dutch health and social care accounts


Regional accounts; income accounts of households 1995-2009

Transactions in million euro, transactions per capita and transactions per household


Well-being here and now

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Well-being ‘here and now’ concerns people’s personal characteristics and the quality of the environment they live in. It relates to subjective well-being, material...


Smart ways of monitoring solar power

Smart ways of monitoring solar power.


Sharp rise in poverty in 2011

These are among the conclusions in the Poverty Survey 2012 (Armoedesignalement 2012) which is published today. In the report, researchers from the Netherlands Institute for Social Research/SCP and...


Regional accounts; transactions of the sector households 1995-2011

Primary and secondary income distribution of the section households Region and period


Pension funds; investments before and after consolidation 2008-2016

Investments before and after consolidation. Debt securities; other equity and investment fundshares.


Investment climate; capital international comparison 1990-2011

Capital stock and investments Countries


Income accounts sector households, region; national accounts 1995-2015

Transactions of the sector households and per capita Primary and secundary income distribution by region


Investments of institutional investors; foreign investments 1980-2017

Foreign investments for each category of investments. Pension funds, insurance corporations, investment funds.


International trade in services

The aim of the International trade in services statistics is to publish data on imports and exports of services by enterprises established in the Netherlands.


Financial corporations; balance sheet 1998-2016

Financial corporations; balance sheet, Assets; liabilities; financial corporations.


Material well-being

Latest figures on distribution of well-being ‘here and now’. How is well-being distributed in terms of material well-being? Material well-being is the income people can spend on things that make life...


Cao wages, contractual wage costs and working hours;(2000=100), 2000-2014

Cao wages, contractual wage costs and working hours, Index fig. 2000=100 monthly, SIC'93


Interest rates on the money market

Official interest, rates short - term deposits unsecured and call money


SDG 8.2 Labour and leisure time

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8 Decent work and economic growth: labour and leisure time. The themes under SDG 8.2 concentrate on how to give everybody who wants to work, the...


Stocks: Market value on EURONEXT Amsterdam 1983-2016

Total value of shares quoted at the stock exchange, divided by sector and industry.
