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1686 results for voluntary care
1686 results for voluntary care

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Working hours mothers crucial for hours their children spend in formal child care

Mothers working long hours, more often use formal child care facilities than mothers with small jobs.


Care spending up by 5.1 percent

In 2007, total spending on care, i.e. health care plus welfare services, amounted to 74 billion euro, a 5.1 percent increase relative to 2006.


Much smaller rise in care spending

Health care and welfare cost nearly 60 billion euro in 2004. This is 4.3 percent more than 2003. Spending on care still rose by as much 10 percent annually in the period 2001-2003. The decrease in...


Child care by municipality, 2007-2009 (Dutch only)

Use of child care provisions by municipality and type of child care. Commissioned by: Buitenhek Management & Consult BV.


Child care by municipality, 2010 (Duch only)

Use of child care provisions by municipality and type of child care. Commissioned by: Buitenhek Management & Consult BV.


Care-providing institutions in the red after introduction Wmo

The introduction of the Social Support Act (Wmo) in 2007 has caused more institutions providing home and elderly care to sustain losses. This applies in particular to institutions providing home help.


Care spending 3.2 percent up

In 2011, spending on health car and welfare in the Netherlands amounted to 90.0 billion euro. This is 3.2 percent more than in 2010.


Child care by neighbourhood in Schouwen-Duiveland, 2007-2009 (Dutch only)

Use of child care provisions by income and neighbourhood. Commissioned by: Buitenhek Management & Consult BV.


Child care by neighbourhood in Nijmegen, 2007 and 2008 (Dutch only)

The Centre for Policy Related Statistics has been commissioned by childcare foundation Nijmegen to compute results for the use of official child care provisions, broken down by various...


Child care by district in nine Dutch municipalities, further provisional results 2007 and 2008 (Dutch only)

The Centre for Policy Related Statistics has been commissioned to compute further provisional results for the use of official child care provisions, broken down by various characteristics, among...


Nearly twice as many care farms as four years ago

In 2007, there were more than 600 farms in the Netherlands where people in need of help and care can find a suitable way to spend the day or participate in farming activities. The number of care...


Nearly 40 percent of the Dutch population feels that financing child care is primarily a task for the parents

Dutch child care costs rose to 3.9 billion euro in 2011. Nearly 40 percent of the Dutch population feels that financing child care is primarily a task of the parents themselves.


Nearly 6 percent of adults receive long-term care on medical grounds

By the end of last year, 5.6 percent in the Dutch population aged 18 years or older received long-term AWBZ funded care on medical grounds. The proportion is considerably higher in older age...


Expenditure on care growing more slowly in 2003

Dutch expenditure on care in 2003 increased by 8.4 percent to almost 57 billion euro. In 2001 and 2002 care expenditure increased by 11.4 and 11.8 percent. Expenditure on health care went up by 8.2...


higher child care costs have not reduced labour participation of parents

The Dutch government cut back on child care allowances in the period 2009-2013.  The subsequent higher child care costs have resulted in young children spending fewer hours in formal child care....


Health care consumption varies by education level

Generally, lower educated persons more often receive health care services than higher educated people. Factors like age, gender, state of health and income partially account for the differences...


Care and rent allowances continue to rise, childcare allowance lower again

Dutch central government paid just over 10.4 billion euros in income-related allowances for housing, health care and children in 2013. Spending on care allowances, in particular, rose, to 5.1 billion...


Dramatic employment growth in care sector

Over the past decade, the amount of jobs in the care sector increased by 385 thousand. Overall employment growth in the Netherlands was 515 thousand, so three quarters of new jobs in the past ten...


Allowances for health care and childcare increase further

The Dutch government spent nearly 10 billion euro on income-dependent allowances for housing, care and childcare in 2009. This is half a billion more than in 2008.


Amount spent on security care significantly higher

Nearly 12.5 billion euro, i.e. 2.2 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) was spent on prevention and combat of crime, urban decay and inconvenience in 2009, an increase by 4 percent relative to...


Care-providing professions are demanding

In 2007, over one third of the employed population in the Netherlands experienced a high level of work-related stress. Another one third had jobs that were physically demanding and nearly one in...
