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1918 results for utility construction
1918 results for utility construction

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Turnover construction sector picks up in first half of 2011

After 2010, a very dramatic year for the construction sector (excluding property developers), the first six months of 2011 were somewhat more positive. The mild temperatures in winter prompted a 6...


Turnover surge construction sector in 2008

Turnover increased by nearly 10 percent in the construction sector in 2008. The growth rate is the same as in 2007. With over 90 billion euro, the sector reached a new record level last year.


Construction; costs of alteration and new buildings, by phase 1995-2016

Building costs of alteration and new buildings by category of purpose by building phase by type of client, type of building and province


No recovery for construction sector in 2010

While the Dutch economy is picking up, the construction sector is still performing badly. With 9 versus more than 4 percent, turnover in the construction sector slumped even more in 2010 than in 2009.


Sharp growth turnover construction sector in first three quarters of 2008

Total construction turnover over the first three quarters of 2008 increased by 11 percent relative to the same period last year.


Medium-sized businesses struck hardest by crisis in the construction sector

Last year, the construction sector faced a turnover loss of 16 percent. Small construction companies generated a turnover growth by 3 percent. Medium-sized and large building companies had to cope...


Construction; value added (SIC 1993), index 2000=100 and changes;1995-2011

Volume changes in % compared to the same period of the previous year Volume index figures, base year 2000 = 100


Very poor turnover results for Dutch construction sector in second quarter

Turnover generated by the construction sector fell by 2.4 percent in the second quarter. The downturn was very obvious in medium-sized and large companies; small businesses performed better than in...


Construction sector hit hard by recession in 2012

The construction sector suffered most from the economic recession in 2012. Output fell by more than 8 percent, turnover by 7 percent.


Substantial increase unemployment among lower-skilled technicians and construction workers

Between 2008 and 2012, unemployment rose faster among lower educated people than among secondary and high educated people. The unemployment increase was most obvious among lower-skilled technicians...


Turnover growth construction sector 10 percent in 2007

Turnover in the construction sector grew by nearly 10 percent in 2007, breaking the 80 billion euro barrier for the first time. Turnover increase was realised across all branches of the construction...


Largest occupational group on each island of the Caribbean Netherlands are construction workers

In 2014, the largest occupational group in the Caribbean Netherlands were construction workers including bricklayers, pavers and carpenters. Nearly 12 percent of the 13 thousand people working in the...
