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2519 results for European identity
2519 results for European identity

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International trade; Imports and exports of services 2014-2020

Imports; exports; services broken down into various types of services Countries


Fewer fatal drownings in 2021

In 2021, altogether 80 Dutch residents died due to drowning in open water, or in or around the house.


Population forecast, Caribbean Netherlands 2022-2050

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has compiled a new population forecast based on recent data for the municipalities of the Caribbean Netherlands. This paper outlines the most important findings and...


Exporting services: challenges to start, and to expand

This publication looks at barriers to international trade in services. The first part focuses on the impact of trade barriers when it comes to the decision of firms to start exporting services to a...


CBS tightens criteria for remote access to CBS databases

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) asked a committee of independent scientific experts to investigate external researchers’ use of remote access to consult CBS’ databases.


How many residents have a foreign country of origin?

Answer tot the question how many residents of the Netherlands were born abroad?


Water use; industry and total private households

Tap water use, groundwater, surface water, industries, private household. Water use or abstraction by industry and type of water


Agricultural sector records slightly higher income in 2022

In 2022, the Dutch agricultural sector generated 1.9 percent more income than in 2021. At the same time, animal output dropped slightly (-0.7 percent) while crop output fell relatively sharply by...


Compensation of employees, employment; economic activity, National Accounts

Compensation of employees, wages, labour volumes of employees economic activities, full-time and part-time jobs


Business Survey Netherlands; key figures

Developments, expectations and assesments of businesses Sector/branches


International trade; import and export value, SITC (3 digits), countries

Import, export value and trade balance of goods; SITC (3 digits) and countries.


Exports of goods and services by origin; National Accounts

Value at current prices and pricelevel 2015 in million euros, origin of exports SIC 2008, re-export, trade and transport margins


Inflation rate up to 14.5 percent in September

The consumer price index (CPI) was 14.5 percent higher in September than in the same month last year.


Exports up by 2.5 percent in August

In August 2022, the total volume of goods exports was up by 2.5 percent year on year.


Imports of goods and services by destination; National Accounts

Imports of goods and services Economic activities and final expenditure categories


Inflation rate up to 12.0 percent in August

The consumer price index (CPI) was 10.3 percent higher in July than in the same month last year.


Food prices up by over 11 percent

In June 2022, Dutch consumers paid on average over 11 percent more for food products than one year previously.


585 additional organic farms since 2015

Relative to 2021, the total area under organic farming in the Netherlands this year has increased by 3.6 percent to slightly over 80 thousand hectares. This is 59.0 percent more than in 2015.


Continuing vocational training

Continuing vocational training incidence participation intensity costs Total


Business survey Netherlands, quarterly, seasonally adjusted

Business Survey Netherlands, production, turnover, profitability Economic climate, workforce, sector/branches, seasonally adjusted


Social protection expenditure; functions, in kind or cash, means-test

Social protection expenditure, ESSPROS Functions, support in cash or in kind, means-testing


Electrification in the Netherlands 2017–2021

This note aims to provide data that may help to quantify electrification in the Netherlands from 2017 - 2021 for the most releant technologies currently being used: heat pumps and electric cars


Life expectancy forecast for 65-year-olds: 21.05 years in 2028

According to current projections by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the life expectancy of 65-year-olds will stand at 21.05 years in 2028.


Exports up by over 1 percent in July

In July 2022, the total volume of goods exports was up by 1.3 percent year on year.


Environmental sector keeps growing in importance

In 2021, the Dutch environmental sector represented a value added of 22.3 billion euros, contributing roughly 2.6 percent to gross domestic product (GDP).
