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6809 results for CBS corporate news

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Base shift for index series

The present index series are generally based on 2005 = 100. To keep these index series up to date, a base shift is introduced every fives years. In 2013 the base year 2005 will be replaced by base...


Dutch more and  more enterprising

In the Netherlands, enterprises setting up business outnumber those that are closing down. In 2011 the number of enterprises grew by nearly 7 percent.


Many businesses in Limburg engaged in international trade

In relative terms, Limburg is the most internationally-oriented province of the Netherlands.


Dutch manufacturers less optimistic

According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), confidence among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated in October compared to September. The producer confidence indicator fell from 3.8 in September to 2.4 in...



Latest figures on distribution of well-being ‘here and now’. How is well-being distributed in terms of society? Well-being includes people having opportunities to participate in society and living in...


Price index civil engineering works

Index construction sewer systems and roads, mechanical excavation and road maintenance (1995=100, 1979=100), changes index (1995=100)


Religieuze betrokkenheid

Voor het eerst rekent een meerderheid van de Nederlandse bevolking zich niet tot een religieuze groepering. CBS-onderzoeker Tanja Traag vertelt er meer over. Het volledige nieuwsbericht staat op...


Half of refugee households at risk of poverty

Nearly 53 percent of refugee households have a low income, over six times the average in the Netherlands (8.2 percent). Among households with a Syrian or Eritrean main breadwinner, this share is even...


Which index should I use to index building costs of dwellings?

Statistics Netherlands compiles two series of building costs indices, each with its own uses.


Manufacturing output over 1 percent down in April

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 1.2 percent down in April 2019 compared to the same month one year previously.


Exports of entertainment-related services are growing

Dutch exports of services in the field of entertainment, including royalties, have surged in recent years. Netherlands-based companies are mainly exporting more and more rights for the distribution...


economic situation gradually improves

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports today that - just as in the preceding months -  the economic situation in the Netherlands continues to improve. Most indicators in December’s Business...


Record immigration and emigration in 2017

Record number of immigrants (235 thousand) and emigrants (154 thousand) in 2017, highest net migration (81 thousand).


Consumer prices on Saba and St Eustatius 10 and 7 percent higher than on Bonaire

In 2015, consumer prices on Saba and St Eustatius are 10 and 7 percent higher than on Bonaire. The previous price level survey was conducted in 2010. Consumer prices on Saba and St Eustatius were...


Number of hours worked in temp jobs increased further

According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the total amount of hours worked in temp jobs increased by 2.5 percent in the third quarter relative to the second quarter of 2015. This increase is...


Multinational companies play prominent part in Dutch economy

Multinational companies account for 40 percent of jobs in the Dutch private sector,for two-thirds of total private sector turnover and for over 80 percent of international goods trade, as Statistics...


Small companies less affected by cyber attacks

Small enterprises are less likely to fall victim to cyber attacks than large enterprises.


Nearly 80K employees from Belgium and Germany in 2016

Out of the 7.7 million employee jobs in the Netherlands as of December 2016, around 1 percent were filled by employees who were residents of either Belgium or Germany.


415 Dutch municipalities in 2012

On 1 January 2012, the number of municipalities in the Netherlands will be reduced from 418 to 415.


More start-ups than closedowns

Last year, 172 thousand businesses were started up and a record number of more than 129 thousand were closed down. They were mostly one-man businesses. Among the start-ups were many management...


Rising labour productivity does not result in higher remunerations for employees

Adjusted for inflation, the average remuneration per employee has decreased after the outbreak of the credit crunch in 2008, although labour productivity increased. This means that the higher labour...


Disregarding Cito advice often leads to switch to different level in second year

Nearly 13 percent of pupils who took the final primary education test (Cito test) in 2005 continue their education at a higher level in the so-called brugklas (which aims to bridge the gap between...


Number of immigrants and emigrants remains high in 2018

In the first three quarters of 2018, the population of the Netherlands grew by 81 thousand. Population growth is similar to the same period one year previously. Foreign migration is the largest...
