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12911 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12911 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Explosive growth in use of CBS open data

More than 3.2 million CBS open data retrievals in the second quarter of 2018 alone


economic situation more or less stable

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in January 2015 is about the same as in December, but the economic recovery is still fragile.


Private fixed capital formation in tangible assets; changes 2005 - 2014

Private fixed capital formation in tangible assets Year-on-year changes


More goods transported in 2017

In 2017, the Netherlands transported 1.69 billion tonnes of cargo, representing an increase of 1.4 percent on the previous year.


National Accounts 2009; Output, consumption, income

Output, intermediate consumption, gross value added By industries and sector


Indices and trends (TRIM)

Statistics Netherlands publishes national trends and indices based on monitoring data from the Nem.


Energy intensities of buildings in the services sector; construction period

Energy intensities services by construction period Natural gas electricity sector construction period services


Smart ways of monitoring solar power

Smart ways of monitoring solar power.


Environmental accounts; emissions to water, origin destination 1995-2012

Emissions of heavy metals and nutrients Emissions of industries and households, different types of destination


Environmental accounts; emissions to water, origin-destination 1995-2010

emissions of heavy metals and nutrients emissions of industries and households, different types of destination


Natural gas trade deficit for the first time in 2018

The Netherlands became a net importer of natural gas last year. Natural gas had an import value of almost 12 billion euros, an increase of 43 percent on 2017.


investments up again after several months of decline

Statistics Netherlands announced today that the volume of investment in tangible fixed assets was 5.1 percent higher in January 2015 than in January 2014. The increase is mainly caused by higher...


Unemployment continues rapid rise

An average half a million people in the Netherlands were unemployed in the first quarter of 2004. This is 128 thousand more than in the same quarter last year. In the last three months, 6.6 percent...


economic situation hardly changes

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports today that the economic situation in the Netherlands remains invariably positive. Nearly all indicators in the Business Cycle Tracer performed above the level of...


Robust growth exports in September

According to Statistics Netherlands, the volume of exports of goods was 6.4 percent up in September 2014 from September 2013. In the preceding month, exports grew by more than 1 percent. Higher...


exports to EU countries account for over one fifth of GDP and jobs

Goods and services exported to EU countries generated 140 billion euros and accounted for 1.4 million FTEs in 2013. This is one fifth of GDP and employment in the Netherlands.


Dutch government deficit and debt reduced considerably

The Netherlands’ general government deficit in 2015 came out at 1.8 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).


Number of all-electric cars increasing rapidly

On 1 January 2018, there were nearly 22 thousand fully electric vehicles (FEVs) in the Netherlands, up almost 60 percent on one year previously.


More exports to North Rhine-Westphalia than to France

Last year, the value of goods exports to the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia amounted to 37 bn euros.


Higher CO2 emissions in Q1 2018

In Q1 2018, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were 2.5 percent up year-on-year.


Residents of Bonaire: who lives where?

On 1 January 2017, the population of Bonaire was made up of 19.2 thousand residents. More than 7 thousand were native Bonairians.



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 8-12 March 2010 (Week 10).


Environmental accounts; emissions to water 1995 to 2014

Emissions of heavy metals and nutrients Emissions of industries and households, different types of destination
