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6809 results for CBS corporate news
6809 results for CBS corporate news

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More flex workers with a migration background

People with a non-western migration background are less likely to be in paid work than those with a native Dutch background. Those who do have paid work relatively often have a flexible contract.


Van Rotterdam naar?

Waar gaan de goederen die in de haven van Rotterdam binnenkomen heen? Hoe worden ze vervoerd? CBS-onderzoeker Marjolijn Jaarsma vertelt er meer over in deze korte video


More girls than boys exceeding expected school level

In 2017/’18, more girls than boys in the third year of secondary education were studying at a higher level than recommended by their primary school. This applied to all students who did not fall...


Labour force according to the international definition 2000-2013

Labour force; international definition classification level occupation by sex and personal characteristics


Parking policy

Residents who have received a parking fine often respond to the municipality saying they, for example, forgot their parking card or forgot to extend their parking subscription.


Export of information

Information about export of information using Remote Acces


Environmental Data Compendium

The Environmental Data Compendium is a website aimed at providing the most comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the environment, the nature and the landscape as well as spatial developments in...


Turnover accommodation and food services 0.4 percent up

Turnover in the sector accommodation and food services rose by 0.4 percent in Q3 2018 relative to the preceding quarter.


Number of hybrid cars continues to rise

Last year, 156 thousand hybrid cars were registered in the Netherlands, a fourfold increase relative to five years ago. They covered an overall distance of 2.5 billion kilometres. Last year, more...


Sustained turnover growth for sector hotels and restaurants

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports today that hotels, restaurants, snack bars and pubs saw turnover rise by 1.3 percent in the third quarter of 2015 compared to the second quarter. Turnover results...


Moord en Doodslag

Hoeveel slachtoffers vielen er in 2017 door moord en doodslag? Wat was hun relatie met de dader? Hoe ontwikkelde het aantal gevallen in de grote steden? CBS-onderzoeker Maarten Bloem heeft de cijfers...


More jobs in renewable energy and energy efficiency

In 2017, altogether 54 thousand full-time jobs in the Netherlands were associated with renewable energy and energy efficiency. This number was up from 35 thousand in 2008.


Unique collaboration for big data research

Description of activities of Center for Big Data Statistics


Steeds drukker op de weg?

Er is nog nooit zoveel gereden met Nederlandse motorvoertuigen als in 2017. Hoeveel precies vertelt CBS-onderzoeker Marjolijn Jaarsma in deze video


Lehman Brothers

Hoe heeft de maatschappij zich ontwikkeld na de val van Lehman Brothers op 15 september 2008? CBS-hoofdeconoom Peter Hein van Mulligen vertelt er meer over in deze video. Het volledige nieuwsbericht...


Big Data Matters 3 – The need for timely statistics

About the seminar Big Data Matters 3 – The need for timely statistics


Consumer credit 1998-2013

Consumer credit; credit granted, outstanding credit, interest, repayments and limits broken down by credit provider and type of credit.


More cars sold in 2010

Car and motorcycle sales were nearly 9 percent higher in 2010 than in 2009. With more than 19 percent, importers of new passenger cars realised the largest turnover growth.


Small building companies least affected by economic crisis

In the first nine months of 2012, the construction sector faced 6 percent turnover loss. The sector lost 15 percent of its turnover compared to record year 2008. Small building companies were least...


Number of residents from Central and Eastern Europe up by 11 percent

Last year, the number of citizens from Central and Eastern Europe in the Netherlands increased from 160 thousand to 177 thousand. Another 75 thousand CEE citizens are estimated to work in the...


One in seven employees hindered by administrative chores

Results of the Dutch National Survey on Working Conditions carried out in the fall of 2010 by TNO and Statistics Netherlands show that over 15 percent of all employees was hindered in their work by...
