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6809 results for CBS corporate news

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Largest drop in consumer confidence in over 7 years

The mood among Dutch consumers in January 2019 is less positive for the sixth consecutive month.


Financial markets and trusts

Graphics on consumer confidence, producer confidence and the exchange rate of the British pound.



Latest figures on distribution of well-being ‘here and now’. How is well-being distributed in terms of housing? Safe and affordable housing is a main necessity of life. Dutch people spend a...


Manufacturing output prices almost 1 percent up

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were 0.6 percent up in December 2018 year-on-year.


EU webshops earn over €400 million in the Netherlands

In Q3 2018, Dutch consumers bought around 406 million euros (excl. VAT) worth of products from foreign EU webshops. This is 14 pecent up on the same quarter in 2017.


Trouwen en kinderen krijgen!

In Nederland geboren mannen en vrouwen met een Turkse of Marokkaanse migratieachtergrond gaan op steeds latere leeftijd trouwen, en krijgen later kinderen. Dat blijft uit onderzoek van het NIDI en...


Jobs with or without reintegration support, 2008 and 2009 (Dutch only)

At the request of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) Statistics Netherlands’ Centre of Policy Related Statistics of (CBS-CvB) determined the total number of jobs that started in 2008...


Robust increase in residential building

The number of new houses completed last year rose by 10 percent to more than 80 thousand.



Globalisation is a process that encompasses economic, technological, institutional and social developments. This dossier mainly focuses on the economic aspects of globalisation.


Brussels sprouts exports hit record high

Brussels sprouts exports have risen most significantly among the winter vegetables.


Fewer women than men fall victim to violence

In 2017, 1.7% of women aged 15 years or older said they had been the victim of one or more violent crimes, against 2.5% of men. Intimidation is the most common crime among both sexes. Women report...


Revision  national accounts: Results for the report year 2010

Today, the first results of the revised version of the national accounts will be published by Statistics Netherlands. The direct cause for the revision is the adoption of new international...


Statistics producers in Estonia doing a great job

In May 2016 an international conference was held in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.



Statistics Netherlands is committed to providing online information that is user friendly, accessible, well designed and findable.


Job market also tougher for women

In the third quarter of 2009, nearly 400 thousand people in the Netherlands were unemployed; 24 percent managed to find new jobs of twelve hours a week or more within three months, as opposed to...


End of post-Irma consumer price increase

In Q4 2018, consumer prices on Saba were back at the level of one year previously. This brought an end to the price increases recorded after Hurricane Irma in Q4 2017.



Latest figures on distribution of well-being ‘here and now’. How is well-being distributed in terms of health? Health is a strong determinant of quality of life. Poor health and chronic illness limit...


Forecast: 3.5 million single households in 2030

The number of households in the Netherlands is projected to have grown to 8.5 million by the year 2030, from the current 7.9 million.


RSS feeds

Overview of all RSS feeds provided by CBS - Statistics Netherlands.


Dutch consumers spend more on clothes and furniture

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) today, Dutch consumer spending on goods and services in September 2015 was 2.2 percent up from September 2014. They spent more on...


International measurement of welfare in a broad sense

Smits develops Dutch measurement model further using 100 indicators and expand it into international measurement model
