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5139 results for economic geographic areas
5139 results for economic geographic areas

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Government participation; public and private corporations

Significant participation (0.01% of GDP) of the government on corporation capital of public and private corporations.


More volunteers in 2022, but still below pre-COVID levels

In 2022, 41 percent of the Dutch population aged 15 years or older reported having done volunteer work at least once for an organisation or association in the past twelve months.


Presentation Monitor of well-being and the Sustainable Development Goals 2023

To ensure that everyone can share in the combination that the earth offers and the prosperity it can generate, and to ensure that the quality of life is improved for as many people as possible, the...


Resilience ‘elsewhere’

How prepared is the Netherlands to withstand such a major shock in the short-term? To what extent is the Netherlands dependent on the rest of the world?


Macroeconomic scoreboard

Macroeconomic imbalances; macroeconomic risks; macroeconomic scoreboard; European Union; Quarter.


Output and income components of GDP; activities, National Accounts

Output, intermediate consumption, value added and income components Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008)


Well-being here and now: society

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Society.


Approaches of domestic product (GDP); National Accounts

Gross domestic products Output components, final expenditure categories and income components


Government; Balance and Maastricht debt, sectors

Balance and Maastricht debt in million euros and as percentage of GDP subdivided to subsectors of general government.


Imports/exports; change of ownership; volume and price, changes

Imports and exports and goods Indexfigures base year 2021=100 and changes


Non-financial corporations; non-fin. transactions by type of corporations

Resources, uses and balancing items of sector non-financial corporations Subsectors of non-financial corporations


April inflation rate 5.2 percent according to flash estimate

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports in a flash estimate that the CPI-measured inflation rate stood at 5.2 percent in April.


House rents up by 2 percent on average

In July 2023, housing rental prices in the Netherlands were on average 2.0 percent higher than in the same month last year, when the increase was 3.0 percent.


Inflation rate up to 8.0 percent in February

The consumer price index (CPI) was 7.6 percent higher in January than in the same month last year.


Manufacturing; stocks of finished goods, 2021=100

Index figures and changes of stocks of finished goods in manufacturing Periods


Patent applicants and applications; SIC 2008 and company size

Patent applicants and applications Country (UCI), SIC 2008 and company size


State of the economy and labour market, Q2 2024

What do the latest figures on the second quarter tell us about the state of the Dutch economy? Here is the initial analysis of our chief economist, Peter Hein van Mulligen. Content: 00:00...


Existing own homes; purchase price indices by type of dwelling 2015=100

Existing own homes, price index 2015=100 Sold dwellings, average purchase price, type of dwelling


Stand van de economie en arbeidsmarkt, 2e kwartaal 2024

Hoe heeft de Nederlandse economie zich ontwikkeld in het 2e kwartaal van 2024? De eerste berekening, toegelicht door CBS-hoofdeconoom Peter Hein van Mulligen Inhoud 00:00 Introductie; economie groeit...


SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 Clean water and sanitation. Access to safe drinking water and sanitary facilities and sustainable water management are at the centre of SDG 6.


Economic outlook positive

In June 2021, the economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become positive again.


Transport and storage; turnover change, index 2015=100

Transport and storage; turnover index, 2015=100 By activity (SIC 2008).


Current transactions by sectors; National Accounts

Current transactions and balancing items of institutional sectors Sectors, resources and uses, balancing items


Gross seed onion yield down 17.2 percent

In 2022, the gross yield of seed onions was 17.2 percent lower than in the previous year. Gross yields of wheat and barley were up, by 22.7 and by 44.1 percent respectively.


Government; financial balance sheet, market value, sectors

Financial transactions and balance sheet of the government. Financial instruments, assets and liabilities, stock and flows, sectors.
