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507 results for Belgium
507 results for Belgium

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More than half of Polish immigrants do not settle in the Netherlands

Last year, 13 thousand Poles came to the Netherlands versus 14 thousand in 2008.


Around 700 thousand Dutch people say they have plans to emigrate

Some 700 thousand people in the Netherlands say they have plans to live abroad for a period of at least eight months.


Netherlands increasingly tied in with global trade

The Dutch economy has become more and more interwoven with global trade in the last thirty years. This means that it has become more vulnerable to declining international demand.


More entrepreneurs in the Netherlands

The number of people setting up their own business in the Netherlands has gradually risen since the 1990s, but the proportion of business owners was still lagging behind the EU 15 average in 2006....


Economic growth in the eurozone

The economies of the eurozone expanded by 0.3 percent in the second quarter of 2015 compared to the first quarter, according to the most recent first calculations by Eurostat.


Guests in leisure accommodations; by country of residence, region '98-'11

Guests in leisure accommodations; by country of residence and region Regions; province and tourist region


0.8 percent turnover growth for retail trade sector in January

Statistics Netherlands announced today that retail turnover was 0.8 percent up in January 2015 from January 2014. The volume of sales grew further in January; retail prices fell slightly faster than...


More suicides since 2008

The suicide rate has grown dramatically over the past five years, in particular among people with a western background and native Dutch. The suicide rate remained stable at a low level among people...


Population growth at historic low

With only 30 thousand, the population increase in the Netherlands in 2005 was the lowest since 1900. On 1 January 2006, the population stood at 16.34 million.


Mood among Dutch manufacturers deteriorates marginally

The mood among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated in August. Statistics Netherlands announced today that the producer confidence indicator fell from 1.2 in July to 0 in August. The lower confidence...


The Netherlands earns billions in agro-sector exports

Agro-sector exports were valued at over 45 billion euros in 2014, earning almost 29 bn euros in revenues.


Migration contributes less to population growth

Compared to other EU countries, a large part of the Dutch population increase is due to natural growth.


Few strike days in 2014

There were 25 strike actions in the Netherlands last year; 10 thousand employees were involved and altogether 41 thousand working days were lost. The number of labour disputes last year was just...


Goods exports to the UK lagging behind

In 2017, Dutch goods exports to the UK represented a value of 39 billion euros, nearly the same amount as in 2016.


Electricity production dramatically down

Last year, 102 billion kWh of electricity were generated in the Netherlands, nearly 10 percent down from one year previously, but the level of imports and exports of electricity was higher than ever...
