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9398 results for statistical research

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Lower CO2 emissions in Q2 2017

CO2 emissions in the Netherlands declined by 0.9 percent year-on-year.


Retail turnover 4.3 percent up in June

Dutch retail sector achieved a 4.3 percent turnover growth in June relative to June 2016.


Fewer bankruptcies in July

There were 34 fewer bankruptcies in July than in June 2017.


Nearly 10 million people on holiday during high season

Almost 10 million Dutch travelled to their holiday destination in the high season of 2016.


Population growth still determined by migration

Netherlands, 1st half of 2017: 100 thousand immigrants, 69 thousand emigrants, 82 thousand births, 78 thousand deaths


Family reunion still main reason for immigration

Family reunion is still the main reason for migration, but labour and asylum are rising.


Largest growth investments in over a year

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was almost 17 percent up in May 2017.


Unemployment falls below 5 percent

Unemployment declined to 4.9 percent of the labour force in June.


One in ten deaths attributed to dementia

Dementia was again the main cause of death in 2016 with over 15 thousand related cases.


More family reunification from Eritrea

In 2017, more following family members than asylum seekers from Eritrea arrived in the Netherlands.


Most Syrian asylum seekers have housing

Many Syrians and Eritreans have a residence permit and housing, but most depend on social welfare.


Retail turnover nearly 5 percent up in April

Dutch retail sector achieved nearly 5 percent turnover growth in April year-on-year.


More bankruptcies in June

The number of corporate bankruptcies has risen. In June 2017, it was 12 up from May.


Small group of firms dominate services trade

International trade in services is dominated by a small group of traders.


Manufacturers more confident in June

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers stood at 7.2 in June, up from 6.1 in May.


Greece relatively cheapest for holidays

Out of the five most popular summer holiday destinations, Greece has the cheapest hotels and restaurants.


Less cargo throughput in Dutch seaports

Overview of throughput in Dutch seaports in 2016.


Consumer spending up by 2.7 percent in April

Dutch consumer spending was 2.7 percent up in April 2017 from April 2016.


House prices 7.8 percent higher

Prices of owner-occupied houses were on average 7.8 percent higher in May 2017 than in May last year.


Number of brewers more than quadrupled since 2007

The number of beer breweries in the Netherlands has more than quadrupled.


Consumer prices 1.1 percent higher than one year ago

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.1 percent higher in May 2017 than in May 2016.


Manufacturing output up again in April

The daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was up again in April. Strongest growth in machinery industry.


Turnover temp agencies continues to rise

Turnover generated by temp employment agencies grew by 1.1 percent


Number of endangered fauna and flora species not rising

Almost 40 percent of fauna and flora species in the Netherlands are threatened with extinction.


Manufacturers less confident in May

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers stood at 6.1 in May, down from 8.3 in April.
