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9398 results for statistical research

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GDP growth rate 0.8 percent in Q4 2017

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), GDP showed 0.8 percent growth in Q4 2017.


Weddings on Valentine’s Day

More weddings on Valentine's Day than on other days in February, but the most popular wedding dates are in summer.


Largest turnover growth in 11 years for retail sector

Dutch retail sector achieved 5.5 percent turnover growth in November year-on-year.


Slightly more bankruptcies in January

The number of bankruptcies increased by 5 in January.


Manufacturing output over 5 percent up in December

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 5.2 percent up in December 2017.


Consumer prices 1.5 percent up in January

The consumer price index was 15 percent higher in January than in the same month last year.


Container transport up, surge in transhipment

Transhipment, onward transportation of unloaded containers to other seaports outside Holland, increased by nearly 30%


Households Caribbean Netherlands, 1 January 2019

Once a year Statistics Netherlands publishes table information on the household composition in Caribbean Netherlands.


Largest number of enterprise births since 2009

In 2017 there were 73 thousand more enterprise births than deaths, the highest number since 2009.


Producer confidence at record high

Never before were manufacturers so optimistic.


Household consumption 2.6 percent up in November

Dutch household consumption was 2.6 percent up in November 2017.


Number of asylum seekers and relatives almost equal

The Netherlands received 16,145 first asylum requests in 2017; 14,490 following family members arrived


Half of refugee households at risk of poverty

Refugee households often have a persistently low income


Over 100 thousand fewer unemployed in 2017

The employed labour force (15-74 yrs) increased by 176 thousand in 2017.


Retail turnover 5.5 percent up in November

Dutch retail sector achieved 5.5 percent turnover growth in November year-on-year.


Manufacturing output over 4 percent up in November

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 4.4 percent up in November 2017.


Quinoa trade has tripled in four years

Dutch quinoa imports has tripled in the past four years, to approximately 5.5 million kg in 2016.


House prices more than 8 percent higher again

In November 2017, prices of owner-occupied houses were on average 8.2 percent higher.


Number of unemployed drops below 400 thousand

Changes in employed and unemployed labour force, November 2017


Investments over 8 percent up in October

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 8.3 percent up in October 2017.


Forecast: 18.4 million inhabitants in 2060

The latest population forecast: 18.4 million inhabitants in 2060


Foreign companies create nearly 1.4 million jobs

Foreign-owned multinationals and their suppliers created around 1.4 m full-time jobs in 2014.


Export growth over 5 percent in October

The total volume of goods exports grew by 5.2 percent in October 2017


Slightly fewer bankruptcies in November

There were 8 fewer bankruptcies in November than in October 2017.


Relatively few teenage mothers in the Netherlands

The number of teenage mothers has dropped to 3 per one thousand girls. This is low, also internationally.
