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412 results for politics
412 results for politics

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Sector accounts; financial balance sheets and transactions 1990 - q4 2013

Financial balance sheets and transactions by economic sectors Sectors, balance sheets, assets and liabilities


Sector accounts; seasonally adjusted data, NA, 1999-2017

Transactions and balancing items of economic sectors Non seasonally adjusted and seasonally adjusted figures


Local units by economic activity (SIC 2008), region, 2006-2010

Number of local units Economic activity (SIC 2008) and regions


Key figures by sector; NA, 1995-2017

Sector accounts; key figures Most important figures of institutional sectors


Sector accounts; key figures 1969 - q4 2013

Key figures of economic sectors Most important figures on economic sectors


Output and income components of GDP; activities, NA, 1969-2016

Output, intermediate consumption, value added and income components Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008)


Social tensions indicator: Gauging society

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has previously published articles about the development of the social tensions indicator based on social media posts.


Regional production structure by SIC'93

Production, intermediate consumption, value added, taxes, compensation of employees, operating surplus and labour input of employees by region


Wealth distribution of households; NA, 2005-2014

Wealth distribution of different household groups in the Netherlands Source of income, living situation, household composition, age and income


Current transactions by sectors; NA, 1995-2017

Current transactions and balancing items of institutional sectors Sectors, resources and uses, balancing items


Income, consumption, wealth of households: key figures; NA, 2005-2014

Keyfigures on income, expenditure and net worth of households Source of income, living situation, household composition, age and income


Sector accounts; current transactions 1969 - q4 2013

Current transactions and balancing items of economic sectors Sectors, resources and uses, balancing items
