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3441 results for data visualisations
3441 results for data visualisations

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Natural gas and oil reserves on the Dutch territory; national accounts

Natural gas and oil reserves on the Dutch territory Opening stock, new discoveries, extraction and other changes


Well-being ‘later’: natural capital

Natural capital relates to services that the natural environment provides to the economy, such as raw materials and recreation.


Consumer prices; price index 1900 = 100

Consumer price index Year of reference 1900 = 100


Economy in Q1 2022 the same size as in the previous quarter

According to the first quarterly estimate , gross domestic product (GDP) remained virtually unchanged in Q1 2022 relative to the previous quarter.



By 1920, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) had become a large public sector institution. For comparison, when Henri Methorst was appointed Director in 1906, the organisation had five departments and...


Accommodation and food services; turnover index, 2015=100

Accommodation, food; turnover, 2015=100 Naar bedrijfsactiviteit (SBI 2008).


People with a driving licence; driving licence type, age, region, 1 January

Number of people with a driving licence Type of driving licence, age of licence holder, region


Industry; production and sales, changes and index, 2015=100

Indexfigures and changes of production, total turnover, domestic and foreign turnover in the industry by sectors and branches (SIC2008)


Investments down by over 3 percent in January

The investment volume of tangible fixed assets was down by over 3 percent year on year.


Municipal accounts; balance sheet by region and size class

Municipal accounts, balance sheet according to the Dutch regulation 'Besluit Begroting en Verantwoording gemeenten en provincies (BBV)'.


Deaths; underlying cause of death (shortlist), sex, age

Deaths among the Dutch population by main primary causes of death, age (at time of death) and sex


Motor vehicles and motorcycles trade; turnover change, index 2015=100

Motor vehicles and motorcycles trade. Turnover: index 2015 = 100, change. By activity (SIC 2008).


Agriculture; labour force by region

Agricultural census; number of persons, annual work units and corresponding number of holdings by region


Built-up area expanding at the cost of farmland

The area of land in use for housing, industry and infrastructure increased by 200 square kilometres from 2013 to 2020. The area of land in use for agriculture shrank by 244 sq km. The total area of...


Importers of passenger vehicles, turnover changes, index 2015=100

Importers of new cars. Turnover: index 2015=100, change.


Manufacturing; stocks of finished goods, 2015=100

Index figures and changes of stocks of finished goods in manufacturing Periods


Population pyramid

Population pyramid x 1,000 Age composition in the Nederlands 2023 (estimate)


Employment; sex; type of employment contract, job characteristics, SIC2008

Jobs and working hours broken down by economic activity and characteristics of employees and job.


SDG 8.1 Economy and factors of production

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8.1 Decent work and economic growth: Economy and factors of production. SDG 8.1 focuses on making economic growth more sustainable and efficient. In...


SDG 13 Climate action

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 Climate action. SDG 13 aims to tackle climate change caused by humans. Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, countries committed to restricting global...


SDG 11.2 Living environment

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11.2 Sustainable cities and communities: living environment. The second part of SDG 11 concerns the surroundings in which people live. How can we...


Environmental taxes and fees, revenues by taxpayer; national accounts

environmental taxes, environmental fees, waste tax, fuel tax, excise duty tax payers, tax revenues, sewerage charges, mobility tax


Employment; sex; type of employment contract, size of company, SIC2008

Jobs and working hours broken down by economic activity and information about employee and company.


Employment;sex,type of employment contract,employee characteristics,SIC2008

Jobs and working hours broken down by economic activity, sex, charateristics of employee and job.


Social security; key figures, number of benefits

Number of social security benefits Total number of benefits
