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4853 results for business size

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Output growth manufacturing industry slows down

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was more than 1 percent higher in August 2011 than in August 2010.


Number of jobs up by 28 thousand

In the third quarter of 2011, the number of jobs of employees was 28 thousand higher than in the same quarter of 2010, an increase by 0.3 percent.


Mood among Dutch consumers improves marginally

Dutch consumers were less negative in January 2013 than in December 2012. The consumer confidence indicator climbed 4 points to -35. Consumers were less pessimistic about the economic climate in...


Substantial growth Dutch economy

The Dutch economy grew by 3.2 percent in the first quarter of 2011 compared to the same period one year previously, the most substantial increase in three years. If the working-day pattern and the...


Manufacturing stocks shrink further

Manufacturers had reduced their stocks of finished products by more than 14 percent in January relative to January 2009. The decrease in January was somewhat larger than in the five preceding months.


Mood among manufacturers continues to worsen

The mood among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated further in November. Sentiments about future output, in particular were more negative. The producer confidence indicator dropped from –3.2 in October...


Smaller reduction in number of temp jobs

The Dutch number of hours worked in temp jobs dropped by more than 1 percent in the first quarter of 2010 compared to the fourth quarter of 2009.


Growth manufacturing output 3 percent

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 3 percent higher in July 2011 than in July 2010. Production growth was slightly higher than in June.


Employment marginally down

The number of employee jobs declined by 8 thousand (0.1 percent) in the fourth quarter of 2013 relative to the third quarter.


Dutch consumers very pessimistic

The mood among Dutch consumers deteriorated marginally in December. The consumer confidence indicator dropped by 2 points to -39. Dutch consumers have been very pessimistic all year long.


Household consumption in decline

Household spending on goods and services in October 2011 was 1.4 percent down on October 2010.


Consumer confidence improves further

Dutch consumer confidence improved marginally in February. The confidence index climbed 2 points to reach -10. The improvement was entirely due to an increase in consumers’ willingness-to-buy....


Decline household consumption slightly less substantial

Household spending on goods and services in December 2011 was 1.3 percent down on twelve months previously. The decline is slightly less substantial than in the preceding months.


Households spend less on goods and services

Household spending on goods and services was 1.5 percent down in July 2012 from July 2011.The decline is more substantial than in June. This was partly due to a change in tax legislation effective...


Dutch inflation rate higher

Inflation in the Netherlands was 1.2 percent in April 2014, as against 0.8 percent in March. The increase was mainly caused by price developments for motor fuels.


Increase in manufacturers' stocks slows down

In June 2011, manufacturers’ stocks of finished products were nearly 8 percent up on June 2010. Growth still was substantial, though marginally below the level of the preceding two months.


Turnover loss retail sector

The retail sector faced more than 4 percent turnover loss in December 2012 relative to December 2011. Retail prices were nearly 3 percent up, whereas the volume of retail sales was down by almost 7...



Week 13 (26-30 March 2007)


Four percent of employees per day off sick

Sickness absence among Dutch employees was an average 3.9 percent in the third quarter of 2008.


Turnover loss retail sector

In November 2012, the retail sector faced a nearly 2 percent turnover loss relative to twelve months previously. Retail prices were nearly 3 percent up. The volume of retail sales was down by 4...


Modest growth in manufacturing stocks

In April 2012, manufacturers’ stocks of finished products were 1 percent up on April 2011.The increase was much smaller than in February and March (6 percent).


Slightly more job vacancies

At the end of June 2011, there were 137 thousand job vacancies, i.e. 2 thousand more than at the end of March. The private sector accounted entirely for the increase. The number of job vacancies grew...


Manufacturing prices decrease again

Selling prices of Dutch manufacturing industry were 2.6 percent lower in March 2014 than in March 2013. In February, prices of manufactured products were 2.8 percent down. Prices of manufactured...


Dutch consumers much more pessimistic about economy

The mood among Dutch consumers deteriorated in December. The consumer confidence index dropped by 7 points and stood at -14. The decline counterbalanced previous improvements in October and November....
