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1156 results for traffic deaths
1156 results for traffic deaths

Page 16 of 47

Lower mortality in third week of April

Mortality has been declining, but in week 16 it is still almost 40 percent higher than the weekly average in the first ten weeks of 2020.


Cause of death

A distinction is made between primary and secondary causes of death. The primary cause of death is the disease, situation or event that started the chain of events resulting in death. Consequences or...


New steps in big data for traffic and transport statistics

Is it possible to combine new data sources, like road sensors in motorways, GPS data and camera footage with information from questionnaires?



CBS-hoofdeconoom Peter Hein van Mulligen over de uitstoot van broeikasgassen in 2020 in Nederland. Met hoeveel procent daalde deze vorig jaar?


Use of secondary materials: potential data sources

Exploration of potential sources to collect data about the use of secondary materials at the request of the Dutch environmental assessment agency.


Mortality in week 20 also below average among long-term care users

In week 20 (ending 17 May), the number of deaths among people receiving long-term care stood at approximately 1,030, i.e. around 150 below the number recorded over week 19.


1,917 suicide deaths in 2017

In 2017, 1,917 people took their own lives, i.e. 23 more than in 2016.


Greenhouse gas emissions

Peter Hein van Mulligen, chief-economist at Statistics Netherlands on last years' greenhouse gas emissions


5 percent more air traffic in the Caribbean Netherlands

Although air traffic increased in the Caribbean Netherlands, the volume of passengers dropped by over 6 percent in 2017.


More deaths in winter

So far, this winter (2017/’18) has seen fewer deaths than the same period last year.


One in ten deaths attributed to dementia

Dementia was again the main cause of death in 2016 with over 15 thousand related cases.


New steps in big data for traffic and transport statistics

CBS now makes statistics about road traffic intensities purely on the basis of road sensors


Traffic and transport

Theme Traffic and transport


Mortality rising

The rising mortality coincides with the outbreak of the coronavirus crisis in the Netherlands


Cancer main cause of death among Dutch women

Cancer has been the main cause of death among men for years, since 2016 also among women


The Netherlands in Numbers, 2020

The Netherlands in Numbers, 2020 is the successor to Trends in the Netherlands and the Statistical Yearbooks and Pocket Books.


Road traffic area

Area used for transport on the network of main roads.


More deaths than births in Q1

The Netherlands saw net population growth in Q1 2018 at 12.5 thousand. Natural growth (births minus deaths) was negative, net migration positive.


Road traffic nuisance serious but stable

Although the total number of cars registered in the Netherlands has grown by a million since 2005, the nuisance caused by road traffic has hardly changed. Speeding is still the main source of...


More traffic noise, less stench

In the period 1997-2008, the proportion of people reporting to be disturbed by road and rail traffic noise rose from 27 to 31and from 5 to 7 percent respectively.


Traffic sector invests substantially more in environmental measures

Some 653 million euro was invested in the traffic sector to protect the environment in the Netherlands in 2007. This is 60 percent more than in 2005.
