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2440 results for gas consumption
2440 results for gas consumption

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Inflation -0.4% in October, according to flash estimate; 5.1% excluding energy

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports in a flash estimate that the CPI-measured inflation rate was -0.4 percent in October.


Consumer prices; price index 2015=100

Consumer price indices. Index figures consumer expenditures 2015 = 100 Price index, monthly and yearly rates and weightingcoëfficient


Consumer prices; European harmonised price index 2015=100 (HICP)

European harmonised consumer price indices 2015 = 100, expenditures Price index, monthly and yearly rates and weightingcoëfficient


Re-exports higher than domestic exports in 2022

In 2022, the Netherlands exported 731.4 billion euros worth of goods, of which 368.3 billion euros concerned re-exports.


Goods transport; modes and flows of transport to and from the Netherlands

Domestic and cross-border goods transport (incoming and outgoing goods transport to and from the Netherlands) for all transport modes.


The story

A brief explanation of why CBS compiles the Monitor of Well-being and the SDGs, what well-being is and how well-being is measured.


International trade and transit trade; value, weight, goods, transport mode

International trade, transport, transit trade Continents, NSTR chapters, flow types, value and weight


Internationalisation Monitor 2022, first quarter – The Eurozone

How has the Netherlands' international trade with the euro zone developed since the introduction of the euro, compared to before and compared to (similar) other countries and territories? How is the...


Consumer prices; price index 1900 = 100

Consumer price index Year of reference 1900 = 100


87 percent of imports from Russia are mineral fuels

In 2021, the value of Dutch goods imports from Russia stood at 18.4 billion euros. Of this amount, 87 percent represented mineral fuels, of which over half was crude oil and the remainder were...


Agricultural nitrogen surplus higher after summer drought of 2022

In 2022, the agricultural nitrogen surplus, i.e., that part of excess nitrogen which is not fixed in animal and plant products, increased by 6.5 percent year on year to a total of 312 million kg.


Strongest inflation in almost 20 years

The consumer price index (CPI) was 3.4 percent higher in October than in the same month last year.


Proximity to facilities; distances by car, regional

Distances to and number of facilities: healthcare, retail, leisure, schools and culture per municipality and other regional classifications


Financial instruments: From-whom-to-whom matrices; National Accounts

Financial transactions between institutional sectors Sectors, balance sheets and transactions


Inflation rate down to 4.4 percent in March

The consumer price index (CPI) was 4.4 percent higher in March than in the same month last year.


Composition development in goods exports: flow characteristics

Export growth and Contribution to total export growth Transaction; SITC and Countries


Provincial budgets; levies by province

Budgeted revenues provincial levies in millions of euros by province.


Inflation 4.6 percent in July, according to flash estimate

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports in a flash estimate that the CPI-measured inflation rate was 4.6 percent in July.


46 percent more solar energy production in 2022

In 2022, energy production from solar panels rose by 46 percent on the previous year. This was mainly due to the use of new solar panels.


Life style and (preventive) health; personal characteristics, 2014-2021

Smoking, alcohol and drug use, being overweight, physical activity Sexual health, nutrition, health examination, giving informal care.


Economic outlook deteriorates further in November

The economic climate in November 2023 is more negative than it was in October.


Inflation rate up to 2.7 percent in September

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.7 percent higher in September than in the same month last year.


Economic growth of 0.6 percent in Q4 2022

According to the second quarterly estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) on the basis of currently available data, in Q4 2022 gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 0.6 percent...


Economic outlook again more negative

The economic climate in March 2023 is more negative than it was in February.


Wealth distribution of households; National Accounts

Wealth distribution of households Characteristics of households
