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768 results for families
768 results for families

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Patent applicants and applications; size class of applicant, 2000-2010

Patents, patent applications EPO and NLOC Size class of applicant


More women part-time employed

Nearly 3.3 million women were working twelve hours a week or more last year, an increase by more than 460 thousand relative to 2002.


Migration Motives Statistic

The Migration Motives Statistic provides information on the immigration of persons with a non-Dutch nationality, broken down by the reason for immigration into the Netherlands.


Vulnerable groups at the core of The Hague local policy

The use of data is in line with the government’s growing preference for knowledge-based policies


Agricultural census; types of holdings, regional division

Number of holdings, crops, cattle and workers by type of holding (dsus) and regions


Substantial increase immigration from former Soviet Union

On 1 January last year, 65 thousand Soviet Union nationals were living in the Netherlands. Among them were 16 thousand children born in the Netherlands. Another 49 thousand Soviet citizens are...


From vodka to wooden shoes

In 2001, immigration from the former Soviet republics reached a record level, when more than 6 thousand people came to the Netherlands. Since 2004, immigration is stable at approximately 3 thousand a...


Fewer households rely on benefits for a long period of time

Last year, 855 thousand Dutch households were dependent on benefits for a sustained period of time, i.e. nearly 40 thousand fewer than in 2009. The total number of households living on benefits...


Poverty down in 2006 and 2007, but unchanged in 2008

In 2006, 623 households in the Netherlands had a low income. According to the budget-based thresholds 382 households (not-much-but-enough-to-get-by), and 233 thousand households...


Singles most often rely on special income support

Last year, 250 thousand people relied on special income support, i.e. approximately 2 percent of the adult population in the Netherlands. Four in ten households receiving special income support are...


No Father's day for some fathers

Although most children in the Netherlands grow up with two parents, one in seven children experience the divorce of their parents. After a divorce, the contact between children and their fathers...


Nearly half a million single parents in the Netherlands

As more married and unmarried couples with children decide to split up, the number of single parents in the Netherlands continues to grow.


Fewer asylum requests by unaccompanied minors in 2016

In 2016, one in five underage asylum seekers travelled unaccompanied. The majority came from Eritrea.


Disregarding Cito advice often leads to switch to different level in second year

Nearly 13 percent of pupils who took the final primary education test (Cito test) in 2005 continue their education at a higher level in the so-called brugklas (which aims to bridge the gap between...


Asylum requests; citizenship, sex and age 2007 - 2016

Total asylum requests and first asylum requests citizenship, sex and age
