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3441 results for data visualisations
3441 results for data visualisations

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International trade in goods; border crossing, key figures

Import, (re-)export and transit value of goods (border crossing); SITC (1 digit) and countries.


Population counter

The population counter shows the current estimated number of inhabitants in the Netherlands.


Well-being ‘later’: natural capital

Natural capital relates to services that the natural environment provides to the economy, such as raw materials and recreation.


Earnings from exports to Russia almost halved

In 2022, Dutch export earnings from trade with Russia declined as of the end of February, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Netherlands generated altogether 1.7 billion euros by exporting...


SDG 9.2 Sustainable business

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9.2 Industry, innovation and infrastructure: sustainable business. The second part of SDG 9 focuses on strengthening businesses and making them more...


SDG 1 No poverty

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1 No poverty. SDG 1 aims to end extreme poverty across the world by 2030. The goal focuses on adequate social protection, equal economic rights,...


Well-being here and now: society

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Society.


Well-being here and now: material well-being

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Material well-being.


SDG 2 Zero hunger

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 Zero hunger. Under the terms of SDG 2, nobody in the world should have to go hungry in 2030; everyone should have access to safe and nutritious...


Resilience ‘here and now’

How prepared is the Netherlands to withstand a major shock in the short-term? Will people still have a means of livelihood, and how will the most vulnerable groups be affected?


Well-being ‘elsewhere’: environment and resources

Well-being ‘elsewhere’: environment and resources reflects the effects of Dutch imports of resources and the environmental impact of this, particularly in the least developed countries (LDCs), for...


Resilience: Later

How prepared is the Netherlands to withstand a major shock in the short-term? Will Dutch nature, and social and economic structures be strong enough to cope?


Tourism; key indicators, National Accounts

Tourism, contribution to the Dutch economy, key indicators. Employment, value added and expenditures in the tourism industry.


Natural gas and oil reserves on the Dutch territory; national accounts

Natural gas and oil reserves on the Dutch territory Opening stock, new discoveries, extraction and other changes



By 1920, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) had become a large public sector institution. For comparison, when Henri Methorst was appointed Director in 1906, the organisation had five departments and...


Population growth down in first quarter of 2024

The population of the Netherlands grew by 19.8 thousand in Q1 2024


High-growth enterprises, European standard; SIC2008

High-growth enterprises; Employees in high-growth enterprises Sector_branches_SIC_2008


Liquid biofuels for transport; supply, consumption and blending

Productie, consumption, biodiesel, biogasoline, blending Biodiesel, biogasoline


People with a driving licence; driving licence type, age, region, 1 January

Number of people with a driving licence Type of driving licence, age of licence holder, region


Government; debt guarantees, off-balance PPP, non-performing loans

one-off and standardised guarantees, adjusted capital value of off balance sheet public private partnerships, government sectors.


Motor vehicles and motorcycles trade; turnover change, index 2015=100

Motor vehicles and motorcycles trade. Turnover: index 2015 = 100, change. By activity (SIC 2008).


SDG 11.2 Living environment

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11.2 Sustainable cities and communities: living environment. The second part of SDG 11 concerns the surroundings in which people live. How can we...


SDG 13 Climate action

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 Climate action. SDG 13 aims to tackle climate change caused by humans. Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, countries committed to restricting global...


SDG 8.1 Economy and factors of production

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8.1 Decent work and economic growth: Economy and factors of production. SDG 8.1 focuses on making economic growth more sustainable and efficient. In...


SDG 10.2 Financial sustainability

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10.2 Reduced inequalities: financial sustainability. Financial liabilities of government and households have an impact on well-being of future...
