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4830 results for business size

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Manufacturers more negative in December

Dutch manufacturers were more negative in December than one month previously.


House prices up by 7.5 percent in April

In April 2024, existing owner-occupied dwellings were 7.5 percent more expensive, on average, relative to one year previously. Prices were 1.0 percent higher in April than they were in March.


Dutch consumers equally negative in August

In August, the mood among consumers remained unchanged compared to the previous month.


Overnight accommodation; guests, overnight stays, occupancy, key figures

Guests, overnight stays, occupancy in hotels, holiday parks, groupaccommodation and on camp sites by type of accommodation


Fixed capital formation; economic activity, region, National Accounts

Fixed capital formation by industry (SIC 2008) SIC 2008, Region


Exports down by almost 2 percent in December

In December 2023, the total volume of goods exports (adjusted for number of working days) was down by 1.6 percent year on year.


Industry; production and sales, changes and index, 2021=100

Indexfigures and changes of production, total turnover, domestic and foreign turnover in the industry by sectors and branches (SIC2008)


Ecosystems and well-being – the impact of land use changes

The contributions of ecosystems to well-being depend on the extent and quality of ecosystems. This report shows that the state of natural capital is a cause for concern, and that future spatial...


Turnover accommodation and food services up by 4.5 percent in Q2

Seasonally adjusted turnover in the accommodation and food services sector rosy by 4.5 percent in Q2 2023 relative to Q1 2023.


Inflation decreases to 3.6 percent in August

The inflation rate stood at 3.6 percent in August.


More bankruptcies in June

The number of corporate bankruptcies, adjusted for court session days, has increased.


Inflation increases to 3.7 percent in July

The inflation rate stood at 3.7 percent in July.


Manufacturing output down by 6 percent in March

In March 2024, the calendar-adjusted output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 6.0 percent lower than it was in March 2023.


Exports of goods and services by origin; National Accounts

Exports of goods and services by origin Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008)


Investments down by over 8 percent in December

The investment volume of tangible fixed assets was down by over 8 percent year on year.


Consumers again slightly more negative

Consumer confidence fell again


Manufacturers again less positive

Producer confidence among Dutch manufacturers was down in July 2023.


An estimator for ratios of Poisson distributed quantities

A common task for national statistical institutes is to estimate the size of a subpopulation, with certain specific characteristics, as a proportion of a larger population or subpopulation. This...


Confidence among manufacturers down slightly

Dutch manufacturers were more negative in July than they were in June.


Confidence among manufacturers continues to improve

Dutch manufacturers were less negative in June than they were in May.


1 in 5 Dutch people did not go on holiday in 2023

In 2023, Dutch people aged 15 years and over went on holiday 2.5 times, on average, totalling 37.6 million holidays. Not everyone went on holiday however, and over 19 percent stayed at home.


Consumers slightly more negative in June

Consumer confidence fell slightly in June.


Today’s well-being increasingly comes at the expense of future generations

The Netherlands remains a prosperous country and a relatively cohesive society.


New Vacancies; classification of occupation ROA-CBS 2014, SIC 2008

New vacancies by occupation SIC 2008; classification of occupation (ISCO 08)


Household consumption down slightly in February

Households spent 0.3 percent less in February 2024 year on year, adjusted for price changes.
