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3975 results for newly constructed owner-occupied homes
3975 results for newly constructed owner-occupied homes

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Business survey manufacturing industry February 1989 - October 2011

Production and capacity utilisation, orders, sales prices, stocks final products, competitive position, sales, number of employees for


International trade and transit trade; value, weight, goods, transport mode

The international trade and transit trade statistics give insight into the international commodity flows from, to and through the Netherlands.


Use of medical facilities; 1981-2009

Use of medical facilities, visits to the GP, medical specialist, dentist, physiotherapist, alternative healers, hospital admissions,


Number of benefits WAO, Wajong and WAZ by month, 1998-2010

Disablement benefits by month (WAO, WAZ, Wajong), specified as follows: sex, age, degree of disablement.


Consumption; 1995-September 2005

Changes, indices, shares, value of consumption of households and actual individual consumption of households by type of goods and services;


Poverty Survey 2013: Sharp rise in poverty in 2012, but growth expected to weaken

The poverty rate in the Netherlands increased sharply in 2012, as in 2011. Estimates suggest weaker growth in 2013 and a further reduction in 2014.


What are the national accounts?

All macro-economic statistics are compiled within a coherent system: the national accounts.


Daytrips by characteristics; 90/91-06/07

Daytrips, sunbathing, swimming, sports, visit to amusement park, etc., Recreational shopping, going out


Listed monuments and historic buildings; region 2013 - 2017

Listed monuments Type of monument, province, municipality


Listed monuments and historic buildings; region 2013 - 2016

Monuments & historic buildings as listed by the Cultural Heritage Agency By type of monument, regional division of the Netherlands


Leisure activities 1997-2011

Participation; sports, hobbies, culture, recreation, going out, use of the media and holidays by personal characteristics


Consumer prices; underlying inflation 2006 = 100, 2006 - 2015

Underlying inflation (baseyear 2006=100) Underlying inflation per month


Consumer prices; price index frequent purchases, 2006=100, 2006 - 2015

Consumer price indices all households. Index figures of frequent out of pocket purchases and non frequent or non out of pocket purchases 2006=100


Deep learning for solar panel detection

How to improve the estimate of the total amount of solar energy generated in the Netherlands. One of these projects is Deep Solaris. In this project, we evaluated several Deep Learning methods to...


Producer price indices for services (SPPI); index 2010=100, 2002-2017

Price indices commercial services, different branches such as transport and storage, IT and architecture


CPI all households (elaborate)

Consumer price indices all households. Index figures Consumer goods


Institutional investors; balance sheet 1998 - 2012

Financial instrument by borrowing or lending party Pension funds, insurance corporations and investment funds.


Monthly data labour force: unemployed and employed 2001 - May 2010

Employed and unemployed labour force, persons not included in the labour force, seasonally adjusted unemployment rate by sex and age.


Benefit recipients by ethnic background 1999-2003

Recipients of benefits under WAO, WAZ, Wajong, ABW, WW, IOAW or IOAZ broken down by sex, age category and ethnic background,


Participation in politics

Participation; political favour and voting behaviour, political interest and opinions by personal characteristics


Consumer confidence; 1972-2016

Consumer confidence, economic climate, willingness to buy, consumers' attitudes and expectations.


Monitor of Well-being and the Sustainable Development Goals 2023

Summary of the Monitor of Well-being and the SDGs 2023 with an overview of trends, the position of the Netherlands in the EU27 and the most recent developments in well-being ‘here and now’, ‘later’...


Using social media to measure intentions to move house

Is it possible to measure the intentions of people to move house without actually asking them about their plans?
