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4242 results for use of medicines
4242 results for use of medicines

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Online shopping increasingly popular

Last year, 9.3 million Dutch 12 to 74-year-olds bought goods and services online, i.e. half a million more than one year previously. The proportion of Internet users who have never bought or ordered...


Energy consumption in industry

Providing figures on energy consumption in the Netherlands, excluding the construction sector.


Hefty rise in food industry prices

Food manufacturers been raising the prices of their products on the domestic market almost continuously since mid-2006.


Metal prices considerably higher

Prices of metals in their primary form like iron, steel or copper were nearly 20 percent higher in February 2011 from one year previously. For the twelfth consecutive month, selling prices have risen...


Youngsters staying in school longer

More and more students are staying in or returning to full-time education even when they are no longer obliged to. This is mainly the result of the popularity of higher education.


Wind energy cost-ineffective without public financial support

As yet, the production of wind energy is still cost-ineffective, but public financial support compensates for the losses.


More than 31 thousand Americans in the Netherlands

More than 31 thousand Americans were living in the Netherlands op 1 January 2008. Many more Dutch people live in the United States: according to the US Bureau of the Census, over 100 thousand Dutch...


Imports and sales new cars soar in fourth quarter

Turnover generated by importers of new cars rose by 35 percent in December 2013 relative to last year. Despite the surge in the fourth quarter, total turnover fell by 10 percent in 2013. Car dealers...


Dutch economic growth 2.7 percent in fourth quarter

The Dutch economy grew by 2.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2006 compared with the same quarter in 2005. The growth was realised with one working day fewer.


Many new dwellings in existing built-up areas

In the period 2000–2006, 140 thousand dwellings (43 percent) out of a total of 323 thousand added to the dwelling stock were built in existing built-up area.


Calculating personal inflation

The website of Statistics Netherlands now comprises a personal inflation calculator. Everyone in the Netherlands can work out his or her personal inflation by filling in the amounts they spend on...


More entrepreneurs in the Netherlands

The number of people setting up their own business in the Netherlands has gradually risen since the 1990s, but the proportion of business owners was still lagging behind the EU 15 average in 2006....


Fewer parents receive allowance for care provided by childminders

The number of parents receiving an allowance for care provided by registered childminders was reduced considerably in 2010, but more parents received an allowance for other types of childcare.


Higher oil and food prices affecting Dutch exports

The high rate of the euro and rising food and oil prices are having a noticeable effect on Dutch exports. In the first quarter of 2008, the increase in exports to countries outside Europe was smaller...


Over 76 million passengers travel via Dutch airports

Amsterdam Schiphol and the other four large airports recorded an increase in passenger arrivals and departures in 2017.


Base shift for index series

The present index series are generally based on 2005 = 100. To keep these index series up to date, a base shift is introduced every fives years. In 2013 the base year 2005 will be replaced by base...


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Employment rising in sustainable energy sector

Just over 45 thousand people (in full-time equivalents) were employed in the Dutch sustainable energy sector in 2013. This is 24 percent more than in 2008. In the remainder of the economy employment...
