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4580 results for parts of the country
4580 results for parts of the country

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Potato crop average, new record for onions

Dutch potato farmers expect to lift more than 5 billion kilos of ware and seed potatoes in 2004, 11 percent more than in 2003. In 2003 the potato crop was substantially smaller because of the dry...


Food accounts for less and less of household spending

Consumers have been confronted by strong price increases in the shops in the last six months. In spite of this they have been spending less and less of their total spending on food in recent decades.


Sharp drop in first year teacher training students

There has been a 20 percent drop in students entering teacher training at the hbo level over the last five years. Particularly the interest in training to become an elementary school teacher has...


Electricity production hits new record

Electricity production in the Netherlands amounted to 118 billion KWh in 2010. This is 4 percent more than in 2009.


Physical limitations prevent over-75s from leaving the house

On an average day in 2010, nearly half of over-75s were housebound. Physical limitations in particular prevented them from leaving the house.


More higher educated women, higher labour participation rate

In the period 1996–2009, the education level of women in the age category 25–35 has improved significantly.


Less income from municipal taxes due to changes in property tax

In 2006 The Dutch municipalities will receive 8.9 percent less from municipal taxes than in 2005. This is due to the abolition of property tax for the occupants of dwellings. The loss in property tax...


Tourist spending up sharply

Dutch and foreign tourists spent a total 35.3 billion euro in the Netherlands in 2007. This is 5.5 percent more than in 2006.


Partner alimony less common, but higher amounts paid

In 2011 the courts ordered partner alimony payments in almost one in six divorces. This is slightly less than a decade ago, but the amounts involved are higher. There has not been much change in...


Disposable household income dramatically down

In the fourth quarter of last year, the real disposable income of Dutch households was 3.2 percent down from one year previously. The decline is unprecedented since Statistics Netherlands started...


Tax deduction home owners amounts to 33 billion euro

The tax deduction for home owners amounted to more than 33 billion euro in 2011. The tax advantage for home owners totalled more than 14 billion euro.
