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3990 results for newly constructed owner-occupied homes
3990 results for newly constructed owner-occupied homes

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Consumer prices 1.4 percent up in 2017

The consumer price index rose by 1.4 percent on average in 2017 on the previous year.


Distribution of well-being

Latest figures in the Monitor of well-being and the SDGs 2023 on distribution of well-being by sex, age, education level and origin/country of birth. Well-being is not evenly distributed across...


Army medical statistics: a 19th century mine of information

We use statistics to build up our knowledge about society. This is an age-old idea of what statistics are for. In the words of Jan Ackersdyck, professor of statistics in Utrecht in the mid-19th...


Private fixed capital formation in tangible assets; changes 2005 - 2014

Private fixed capital formation in tangible assets Year-on-year changes


Economic situation hardly changes

The economic situation is more or less the same in September compared to one month previously.


Economic situation fairly stable

The Dutch economic situation has hardly changes in June compared to May.


First Departmental Data Centre launched

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs launched the ‘CBS/EZ Departmental Data Centre’


Economic situation improves somewhat

Economic situation improves somewhat


economic situation improves further

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation improved slightly in August 2015 from July. Almost all indicators in the Tracer are performing better than their...


Population decrease in one quarter of Dutch municipalities

In some parts of the Netherlands, especially in the periphery of the country, the population will decrease substantially in the next thirty years. In one quarter of Dutch municipalities the number of...


Labour force; 1800-2013 (12-hours threshold)

Labour force, gross and net labour participation, unemployment by sex, age, education and origin


Retail turnover down in November

According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), year-on-year retail turnover was 2.2 percent down in November. The decline is partly due to the unfavourable shopping-day pattern. Turnover achieved by the...


Manufacturers and business service providers remain optimistic

Producer confidence in manufacturing industry stands at 3.0 in January 2006, thus equalling the level of December 2005.


Economic situation improves

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has improved in October.


CBS and DNB: working towards univocal figures

CBS and DNB will better match their respective mandatory surveys for companies serving as reporting agents


Research on social networks in the city

research work on social networks in the city, family networks, influence of urban environments on life cycles


Fewer births and deaths at weekends

Increasingly fewer babies are born on a Sunday, and death rates are slightly lower on weekend days as well.


Delving into new methods and techniques

New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics


Economic situation improves further

The economic situation is improving further in April.


Rising economy, falling greenhouse gas emissions

Dutch greenhouse gas emissions fell by 13 percent


economic situation gradually improving

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports today that - just as in the preceding months - the economic situation in the Netherlands continues to improve. Most indicators in February’s Business Cycle Tracer...
