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6809 results for CBS corporate news

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Consumer confidence hardly changed

The Dutch consumer confidence indicator stands at -2 in February, up from -3 in January. Opinions on the economic climate improve marginally, while consumers’ willingness to buy remains more or less...


SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17 Partnerships for the goals. SDG 17 differs from the other SDGs in that it does not set concrete quantitative targets around one theme.


SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17 Partnerships for the goals. SDG 17 differs from the other SDGs in that it does not set concrete quantitative targets around one theme.


Emissions to air, origin and destination; national accounts 1990-2013

Environmental Accounts, origin and destination emissions to air origin and destination emissions to air


EU export naar VS

De recent opgelegde Amerikaanse invoerheffingen op concurrerende goederen uit de Europese Unie raken Frankrijk het hardst. Het gaat om goederen als vliegtuigen en wijn met een exportwaarde van 2,7...


Less nitrogen, phosphate in manure due to fewer cattle

In 2019, nitrogen excretion in animal manure decreased by 2.6 percent on the previous year, to 490 million kg. This is below the nitrogen oxides emission ceiling that has been imposed on Dutch...


More alarm call-outs fire services in 2015

In 2015, fire station control rooms received a total of 234 thousand reports of incident, slightly more than in 2014. Over half of these cases were fire emergencies, the other calls were requests for...


Syrian immigrants often live in a family setting

A total of 29 thousand Syrians registered as residents of a Dutch municipality in 2014 and 2015. Syrian immigrants are young compared to other recent immigrants in the Netherlands and they often live...


The Netherlands in European top 5 of 'lifelong learning'

In comparison with the rest of the EU, the Dutch are relatively active participants in ‘lifelong learning’. Training for work or leisure is more popular among highly educated and those working in...


Economic growth, GDP and value added by region; national accounts 1996-2017

GDP volume changes; Value added volume changes by economic activity Value added volume changes by SIC 2008; Region


Investments fixed assets companies, SIC'93 2000-2008

Investments in fixed assets Branches (SIC'93) trade and industry


Hoe tevreden zijn jongeren?

De meeste 18- tot 25-jarigen vinden dat het de goede kant opgaat met Nederland. Ze ervaren maatschappelijke kwesties als criminaliteit, de multiculturele samenleving, de bevolkingsdichtheid en de...


Unemployment down, but fewer people employed

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), unemployment fell by 7 thousand in March. The decline was largely due to the fact that many people withdrew from the...


House prices in March again above the level of the same month last year

Prices of owner-occupied houses, excluding new constructions, were on average 2.7 percent higher in March 2015 than in March 2014.


EU’s share in Dutch exports has fallen slightly

Nearly 71 percent of Dutch goods exports in 2018 went to other countries within the EU, although the EU's share has declined slightly relative to 2010.


Sugar beet harvest in Europe down

In 2018, sugar beet yields were lower in nearly all countries of the EU-28 than one year previously. In the Netherlands, the yield per hectare was down by 18 percent.


Consumer prices 2.8 percent up in August

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.8 percent higher in August than in the same month one year previously.


SDG 14 Life below water

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 Life below water. SDG 14 is aimed at protection and sustainable use of seas and oceans.


SDG 14 Life below water

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 Life below water. SDG 14 is aimed at protection and sustainable use of seas and oceans.



EU webshop sales nearly 20 percent up in the Netherlands

In Q3 2019, Dutch consumers purchased 455 million euros worth of products from foreign EU webshops.


Harmonised consumer price index (HICP) 2015=100

Short Surveydescription Harmonised consumer price index (HICP) 2015=100
