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12911 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12911 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Foreign companies create nearly 1.4 million jobs

Foreign-owned multinationals and their suppliers created around 1.4 m full-time jobs in 2014.


House prices over 6 percent higher in September

In September 2019, prices of owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 6.1 percent higher than in the same month last year.


Blaise: CBS software, unique in the world for 30 years already

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Blaise software developed by Statistics Netherlands (CBS).


Blaise: CBS software, unique in the world for 30 years already

Blaise is a software platform in constant development


Further growth investments

Further growth investments


Migration background still plays a role

The Annual Report on Integration 2016 gives an overview of various population groups with a migrant background.


Economic situation improves further

The economic situation improved further in February; all indicators perform above the level of their long-term trend.


Household spending over 1 percent up in November

Dutch consumers spent 1.3 percent more in November 2019 than in November 2018.


Purchasing power declined on St Eustatius in 2014

On average, the purchasing power on St Eustatius fell by 0.8 percent in 2014.


Economic situation improves again

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation is improving further in May.


Retail turnover almost 3 percent up in November

Dutch retail sector achieved 2.6 percent year-on-year turnover growth in November 2019. The volume of sales increased by 1.4 percent.


Data-driven operations with a broad Frisian coalition

The aim of the agreement is for all parties involved to find ways of making smart and efficient use of each other’s data and expertise.


Exports down by almost 1 percent in June

The total volume of goods exports fell slightly for the first time in over four years.


Economic situation improves further

Economic situation improves further.


Economic situation improving

Economic situation improving


Nearly 10 million overnight tourists in July and August

During the summer months of July and August this year, the number of guests staying at Dutch overnight accommodations rose to nearly 10 million.


Youth unemployment at all-time low this century

For eight months now, unemployment among youth has fallen below the lowest point before the economic crisis in 2008.


Inaugural speech Prof. Wendy Smits on flexible labour

new statistics for better mapping of the flexible labour phenomenon


Half of online shoppers have complaints

Of the Dutch population who have shopped online over the course of 2019, half have reported complaints. In 2015, 40 percent said they experienced problems related to online purchases.


Economic situation improves further

The economic situation has improved somewhat again in January compared to the preceding months


Export growth 3 percent in July

The total volume of goods exports grew by 3.0 percent percent in July relative to July 2017.


Construction output growing faster than in rest of EU

The output in the Dutch construction industry has grown at a faster pace since Q3 2014 than the average across Europe.


Importance of environmental sector increasing

In 2016, the Dutch environmental sector represented a value added of 15.8 billion euros, contributing 2.2 percent to gross domestic product (GDP) that year. The share of the environmental sector in...


Investments slightly down in September

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 0.3 percent down in September 2018 relative to the same month last year.


Export growth 5 percent in May

The total volume of goods exports grew by 5 percent in May relative to May 2017.
