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4106 results for sustainable development goals
4106 results for sustainable development goals

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Number of job vacancies still high

The number of job vacancies remained high in the fourth quarter of 2005. After correction for seasonal effects, there 169 thousand job vacancies at the end of 2005.


Growth per capita GDP mainly due to increased labour productivity

Economic growth will be increasingly under pressure in the decades to come as a result of the ageing process in the population. To secure economic growth, measures will have to be taken to create...


Unemployment among foreigners down slightly

Unemployment among people in the Netherlands with a non-western foreign background has fallen slightly. The decrease was completely accounted for by the youngest age groups. For people with a...


Dutch economy greener, but not in all aspects

Statistics Netherlands’ Green growth in the Netherlands 2012 is published today. This report presents an overview of the state of green growth in the Netherlands in terms of 33 indicators.


North Sea provides a quarter of a million full-time jobs

The activities by Dutch enterprises on and around the North Sea provide jobs, directly or indirectly, to almost a quarter of a million people.


More spending on care mainly due to larger care volume

In 2011 the rise in the Dutch care volume was primarily responsible for the rise in care expenditure. The Dutch care volume grew faster in 2011 than in 2010.


Regional economic growth 1996-2001

Volume, deflator; SIC'93, by region, COROP area, province and part of the country


Imports and sales new cars soar in fourth quarter

Turnover generated by importers of new cars rose by 35 percent in December 2013 relative to last year. Despite the surge in the fourth quarter, total turnover fell by 10 percent in 2013. Car dealers...


Wind energy cost-ineffective without public financial support

As yet, the production of wind energy is still cost-ineffective, but public financial support compensates for the losses.


Inflation rate rises to 0.6 percent

Inflation rate rises to 0.6 percent


Material well-being

Latest figures on distribution of well-being ‘here and now’. How is well-being distributed in terms of material well-being? Material well-being is the income people can spend on things that make life...


Year-on-year manufacturing output increased again

According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was up by 2.1 percent in October 2015 from the same month last year. This is mainly due...


Inflation marginally up

The inflation rate over June 2014 was 0.9 percent, i.e. marginally higher than in May.


Number of bankruptcies reduced by one-fifth last year

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the number of bankruptcies rose by 5 in December 2015 relative to November. In the previous three months, the number of bankruptcies also increased. In 2015,...


Dutch inflation rate stable at 1 percent

Statistics Netherlands reports that Dutch inflation according to the consumer price index (CPI) was 1.0 percent in July, just as in June.


Number of vacancies stabilising

The number of unfilled vacancies has stabilised in the third quarter of 2009.


Share corporate sector in national income up, share households down

After 2000, the share of the corporate sector in the national income has increased, but the share of households has decreased as research conducted by Statistics Netherlands shows. This is partly the...


Dutch retail sector performs poorly in European context

Turnover generated by the Dutch retail sector declined more than 3 percent in the first quarter of 2013 relative to the same period one year previously. The Dutch retail sector is not doing well in...
