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1630 results for mortgage costs
1630 results for mortgage costs

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Public deficit almost 15 billion euros in the first half year

In the first six months of 2020, the Dutch government spent nearly 15 billion euros more than it received. This was mainly due to measures implemented by the government to support the economy...


Over-60s more often have interest-only mortgages

In 2012, over-60s much more often than younger home owners had interest-only mortgages. More than one third of home owners aged 60 years and older have paid off their mortgage.


Labour costs (in the labour cost survey)

All costs connected with employing workers. These include compensation of employees, training costs and a number of other costs. The compensation of employees consists of two components: wages and...


Short-term fixed rate mortgage loans increasingly popular

Buyers and owners of residential property who negotiated new mortgage loans in August 2009, nearly twice as often opted for short-term fixed rate mortgages (with a maximum of one year) than one year...


Housing costs of households; household, dwelling characteristics, '09-'15

housing costs characteristics household, characteristics dwelling


Satellite account for culture and media 2018

Besides the contribution of culture and media to the Dutch economy and the different good, services and branches of industry playing a part here, the cultural and media goods and services are grouped...


Nearly 8 in 10 drivers sometimes deliberately leave their car at home

In 2020, 78 percent of Dutch car drivers aged 18 and over said they sometimes deliberately left their car at home.


Most Dutch agree on home mortgage interest deduction

Voters hardly disagree on a ban on same-sex marriages, abolition of the mortgage interest deduction and tax cuts. They do disagree on the issues of development aid and illegal immigration.


Housing costs of households; dwelling characteristics, region, 2009-2015

housing costs characteristics dwelling, region


Dutch homes worth twice as much as total mortgage debt

The overall mortgage debt in the Netherlands amounted to nearly 670 billion euro at the end of 2011. At 111 percent of the gross domestic product, it is the highest mortgage debt in the eurozone. On...


Large increase in underwater mortgages

Over 1.4 million Dutch households had a fiscal mortgage debt that exceeded the value of their own home on 1 January 2013. One year earlier this was true for 1.1 million households.


Highest incomes most often in favour of mortgage interest deduction

The majority of Dutch aged 18 years and older are in favour of preserving the mortgage interest relief scheme, but the group of opponents is growing.


More than one million households have 'underwater' mortgages

Early 2011, 4.2 million households in the Netherlands owned the homes they lived in. In more than one million cases, the value of the house was below the mortgage debt level. Since 2008, the...


Inflation rate rises to 2.1 percent in May

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.1 percent higher in May than in the same month last year.


Similar development of public transport and car costs

Price developments in public transport were virtually on a par with developments in car costs between 2009 and November 2018. In this period, the cost of both types of transport rose more rapidly...


More optimism among entrepreneurs, but not in all sectors

At the beginning of Q2 2021, business confidence was cautiously positive for the first time since the onset of the coronavirus crisis, although manufacturers in many sectors are still gloomy.


ISI Congress 2021: How statistics can help build a better world

The 63rd ISI World Statistics Congress is set to take place from 11-16 July 2021.



A secured money loan on real estate with a private individual as its mortgagor
