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4760 results for fuel pump prices
4760 results for fuel pump prices

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Household consumption almost 1 percent up in October

Households spent 0.6 percent more in October 2022 year on year, adjusted for price changes. As in the previous months, they spent more on services, but less on goods.


Local intergov. organisations; revenues and expenditures by tasks 2018-2021

Intergovernmental organisations, revenues, expenditures by main function Directive for Budgeting and Accounting (BBV) municipalities and provinces


Increase in Dutch house prices among the highest in the EU

In Q2 2021, transaction prices of both new and existing owner-occupied dwellings in the Netherlands were on average 12.8 percent higher relative to one year previously.


Personal Inflation Calculator

Personal inflation calculator to estimate the inflation rate that corresponds to your personal consumption pattern.


CBS Multi-annual Programme 2024-2028

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has made plans for the future based on discussions with stakeholders. The results are described in this Multi-annual Programme for 2024-2028.


Turnover accommodation and food services up by nearly 3 percent in Q3

Turnover in the accommodation and food services sector rose by 2.7 percent in the third quarter relative to the second quarter. The volume (turnover adjusted for price changes) hardly increased (0.1...


Coal and coal products balance sheet; supply and consumption

Supply, imports, exports, stock change and consumption Coal and coal products


House prices continue to rise

In September, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 18.5 percent more expensive than in the same month last year.


Import of goods; use, consignment, product

Invoer goederen naar eigendomsoverdracht verbruiksbestemming, landen, CPA2008


Household consumption over 2 percent up in September

Consumers spent over 2 percent more in September 2022 compared to one year previously. They spent more on services, but less on goods.


Emissions of air polluting substances according to NEC guide-lines

Air pollution, Dutch emissions calculated according to the European Union 'NEC' directive. By source category.


Manufacturing output prices almost 15 percent up in August

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 14.9 percent up in August year-on-year.


Municipal budgets; income and expenditures by region and size class

Budgeted expenditures and revenues per task (policy area) in millions of and in euros per inhabitant by region and size class


Household consumption over 5 percent up in June

Consumers spent 5.2 percent more in June 2022 compared to June one year previously. They spent more on services, but less on goods.


Inflation rate up to 5.7 percent in December

The inflation rate was 5.7 percent higher in December than in the same month one year previously.


Developing a material flow monitor for the Netherlands from national statistical data

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) developed a Material Flow Monitor (MFM) that captures national resource extraction, imports and exports, product flows between economic sectors, as well as emissions and...


Municipal accounts; municipal tasks by region and size class

Realised revenues municipal levies in million euros and euros per inhabitant by region and size class


Composition development in goods exports: flow characteristics

Export growth and Contribution to total export growth Transaction; SITC and Countries


House prices continue to rise

In August, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 17.8 percent more expensive than in the same month last year.


Urban waste water treatment per province and river basin district

Urban waste water treatment plants: number and capacity, influents, effluents and sewage sludge; results by province and river basin district


Minister presented with ‘Dutch Trade in Facts and Figures 2022’ publication

On 31 August 2022 Liesje Schreinemacher, the Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, was presented with the new Statistics Netherlands (CBS) publication ‘Dutch Trade in Facts...



By far the biggest problem when conducting a census is keeping all the data confidential. The 1947 census resolved this issue by updating the forms people had to fill in.


Greenhouse gas emissions 9 percent lower in Q2 2022

In Q2 2022, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions showed a year-on-year decrease of 9 percent. This is mainly because natural gas consumption was down.


More Dutch citizens in favour of nuclear energy

Thirty-six percent of Dutch adults think the Netherlands should make more use of nuclear energy. This was still 25 percent in 2020.


Extraction, import and export of materials; national accounts

material flow accounts, environmental accounts, biomass, minerals, metals resources, semi-finished products, finished products, fossil energy
