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768 results for families
768 results for families

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Leisure activities income-related

Children from low-income families less often participated in club activities than children from high-income families in 2006. They also went on holiday less often.



Background file on population and immigration.


Wellbeing; social relations, 2003-2012

Happiness, satisfaction with life, Contacts, social trust, household composition, unofficial hulp


One in nine children at risk of growing up in poverty

In 2008, 385 thousand Dutch minors were at risk of growing up in poverty. This means that 11.5 percent of children below 18 years of age grow up in families with incomes that do not exceed 120...


One in five underage asylum seekers unaccompanied

One in five underage asylum seekers arriving in the Netherlands last year were not accompanied by an adult relative.


Marginal increase single parents on income support

After years of decline, the number of single parents dependent on income support has risen since 2008. The increase predominantly occurred among single parents with a non-western background.


Most Syrian asylum seekers have housing

Many Syrians and Eritreans have a residence permit and housing, but most depend on social welfare.


Nearly 12 thousand asylum requests in October

In October 2015, the number of newly registered asylum seekers and family members joining asylum seekers increased to 11.7 thousand, more than in any other previous month. The total in September was...


more and more underage children live with one parent

Nearly 15 percent of all underage children in the Netherlands lived in a one-parent family in 2014. Families within which children grow up have changed in the last fifteen years. More 0-17-year-olds...


More children at risk of poverty

The number of underage children at risk of poverty has increased in 2011. In the provinces of South Holland and Groningen, more children grow up in poverty than in other provinces. In more than half...


Nearly one in five first-year mbo students leave school without a diploma

Drop-out rates in senior secondary vocational education (mbo) range from 10 percent after one year in school to nearly 20 percent after four years.


Fewer single-parents claiming income support

Paid employment accounted for the main income of 68.5 percent of one-parent families in 2007. This is a higher share than in 2005, when nearly 63 percent of one-parent families received most of their...


Half of Dutch youth engage in volunteering

Slightly over half of Dutch young people between the ages of 15 and 24 occasionally do volunteer work.


Surinamese and Antillean parents most frequent recipients of childcare allowances

Requests for childcare allowances were submitted for 30 percent of children under the age of twelve in 2008.


Annually, more than 6 thousand underage children lose one or both parents

By the end of 2011, there were 34 thousand underage children who had lost one of their parents and 330 who had lost both parents. Each year, more than 6 thousand underage children are (semi-)orphaned.


More children placed under guardianship

The number of children placed under guardianship has increased considerably in recent years. In 2007, 10.6 thousand children were placed under guardianship.


Ultimate control of enterprises Netherlands;jobs,wages,size class, '08-'11

Jobs and wages of employees at enterprises in the Netherlands by locus of control and enterprise size
