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Manufacturing output prices 0.5 percent higher in June

Output prices for Dutch-manufactured products were 0.5 percent higher on average in June 2024 relative to one year previously.


Manufacturing output prices slightly higher in May

Output prices for Dutch-manufactured products were 0.3 percent lower on average in May 2024 relative to one year previously.


Population; key figures

Population: key figures by sex, marital status, age, country of origin, households and population growth


Exports down by nearly 4 percent in February

In February 2024, the total volume of goods exported (adjusted for number of working days) was down by 3.6 percent year on year.


Household consumption down by 0.7 percent in June

Households spent 0.7 percent less in June 2024 year on year, adjusted for price changes.


House prices up by nearly 11 percent in July

In July 2024, existing owner-occupied dwellings were 10.6 percent more expensive, on average, than one year previously.


Inflation at 3.7 percent in July according to flash estimate

According to the flash estimate of inflation carried out by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the inflation rate stands at 3.7 percent in July 2024.


Economic contraction 0.3 percent in Q3 2023

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0.3 percent in Q3 2023 relative to Q2 2023.


Importers of passenger vehicles, turnover changes, index 2015=100

Importers of new cars. Turnover: index 2015=100, change.


Household consumption up by 0.2 percent in May

Households spent 0.2 percent more in May 2024 year on year, adjusted for price changes.


Exports down by over 3 percent in January

In January 2024, the total volume of goods exported (adjusted for number of working days) was down by 3.1 percent year on year.


Inflation at 3.2 percent in June according to flash estimate

The inflation rate stood at 3.2 percent in June 2024, according to the flash estimate of Statistics Netherlands (CBS).


Growth accounts; national accounts

Productivity: labour, capital, multi-factor productivity Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 2008)


Household consumption up by 0.6 percent in April

Households spent 0.6 percent more in April 2024 year on year, adjusted for price changes.


Investment down by almost 3 percent in February

The investment volume of tangible fixed assets was down by almost 3 percent year on year.


Less domestic road haulage in 2023

In 2023, Dutch lorries carried a total weight of 642 million tonnes of goods.


Manufacturing output prices hardly changed

Output prices for Dutch-manufactured products were 0.1 percent lower on average in April 2024 relative to one year previously.


More international students at universities

In the 2022/’23 academic year, almost 123 thousand international students attended higher vocational education (HBO) or a university (WO) in the Netherlands.


Compensation of employees, employment; quarterly, National Accounts

Compensation of employees, wages, jobs (by sex) , fte, hours worked quarterly, economic activity


House prices up by nearly 10 percent in June

In June 2024, existing owner-occupied dwellings were 9.7 percent more expensive, on average, than one year previously.


Investments down by over 3 percent in January

The investment volume of tangible fixed assets was down by over 3 percent year on year.


Manufacturing output prices down by almost 1 percent in March

Output prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 0.9 percent lower in March relative to one year previously.


Household consumption up by 0.4 percent in March

Households spent 0.4 percent more in March 2024 year on year, adjusted for price changes. Spending was higher on services, but slightly lower on goods.


House prices up by nearly 9 percent in May

In May 2024, existing owner-occupied dwellings were 8.6 percent more expensive, on average, relative to one year previously. Prices were 1.1 percent higher in May than they were in April.


Manufacturers more negative in December

Dutch manufacturers were more negative in December than one month previously.
