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4269 results for business demography
4269 results for business demography

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Manufacturing output prices over 5 percent down in October

Output prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 5.3 percent lower in October relative to one year previously.


Emissions of greenhouse gases according to IPCC guide-lines

Dutch greenhouse gas emissions, calculated according to the IPCC directives, by source category


Bonaire’s economy grew by almost 12 percent in 2021

In 2021, Bonaire’s economy grew by almost 11.7 percent after the substantial contraction of 8.4 percent in 2020.


Manufacturers less negative in January

Dutch manufacturers were less negative in January than one month previously.


Energy from renewable sources rises to 17 percent

In 2023, renewable energy accounted for 17 percent of gross national energy consumption in the Netherlands.


Municipal accounts; levies by region and size class

Realised revenues municipal levies in million euros and euros per inhabitant by region and size class


Consumers less negative in December

In December 2023, Dutch consumers are less negative than they were in the previous month.


Key figures by sector; National Accounts

Sector accounts; key figures Most important figures of institutional sectors


House prices nearly 2 percent up in December

In December 2023, prices of owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 1.6 percent higher than one year previously.


Household consumption slightly down in October

Households spent 0.2 percent less in October 2023 year on year, adjusted for price changes. They bought more services, but fewer goods.


Manufacturers again less positive

Producer confidence among Dutch manufacturers was down in May 2023.


Goods exports to Germany declining

In the first seven months of 2023, the value of goods exports to Germany fell by 4.2 percent to 93.8 billion euros year on year.


Family businesses in the Netherlands 2015-2018

In addition to the number of enterprises, the results of this research also include figures on the number of employee jobs and their characteristics, turnover and value added. Figures are broken down...


Macroeconomic scoreboard

Macroeconomic imbalances; macroeconomic risks; macroeconomic scoreboard; European Union; Quarter.


Manufacturing output over 11 percent down in October

In October 2023, the average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 11.1 percent lower than in October 2022.


Inflation down to 2.8 percent in February

The inflation rate stood at 2.8 percent in February.


House prices nearly 1 percent down in November

In November, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 0.9 percent cheaper than in November 2022.


Macroeconomic statistics revised for reporting year 2021

On 23 May 2024, CBS and De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) published the first results of the revision of the Dutch macroeconomic statistics


Construction;value added, index 2021=100 and changes

Volume changes in construction, compared to the same period of the previous year and volume index figures, 2021=100


Investments over 6 percent up in August

Tthe volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was up by 6.3 percent year on year.


Vacancies; flowfigures, seasonally adjusted

Seasonally adjusted vacancies only totals


Economic contraction of 0.1 percent in Q1 2024

According to the first quarterly estimate from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) based on the data currently available, in Q1 2024 gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0.1 percent relative to the...


20 percent more business closures in 2020

In 2020, over 140 thousand companies were dissolved. This is over 20 percent more than in 2019, when the number of company dissolutions stood at 115 thousand.


Consumers less negative in November

In November 2023, Dutch consumers are less negative than they were in the previous month.


Construction industry; turnover change, index 2015=100

Construction industry. Turnover: index 2015 = 100, change. By activity (SIC 2008) and company size (all companies, 10 or more employed persons).
