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6797 results for CBS corporate news

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Spending in European webshops up by 15 percent

In Q1 2018, Dutch consumers spent around 400 million euros (excl. VAT) on products sold by foreign EU webshops.


Tech education gaining popularity among girls

Tech subjects are chosen by an increasing proportion of girls in secondary and higher education.


Hay fever index

Hay fever index


Internationalisation Monitor 2018, second quarter

In this edition of the Internationalisation Monitor, we focus on the relationship between internationalisation and employment.


I no longer have the login details

frequently asked questions about IHD


Using Twitter data to measure emotions

Kunneman thinks the particular value of detecting emotions on Twitter


I have lost the log-in codes.

frequently asked questions about Finance-of-Business


Hoeveel jongeren worden online gepest?

5,3 procent van de 12- tot 25-jarige internetgebruikers is in 2018 naar eigen zeggen wel eens online gepest, gestalkt of bedreigd. Dat zijn ruim 140 duizend jongeren. Meisjes hadden hier bijna twee...


Owner-occupiers Housing Expenditures, costs to acquire and own, 2015=100

Short method description Owner-occupiers Housing (OOH) Expenditures 2015=100


Blaise 5 software

Blaise CAI software


Higher supermarket turnover than in week before Christmas

In percentage terms, the turnover increase was highest for shelf-stable products in particular, including canned goods, frozen vegetables, rice and pasta.


45 percent of young people see pollution as a problem

The majority of 18 to 24-year-olds believe that things are heading in the right direction in the Netherlands. They do not consider social issues such as crime, a multicultural society, population...


More insight into mobility with the doughnut map

Statistics Netherlands, in collaboration with the University of Oxford, developed a new visualisation method to gain insight into mobility. This method has been applied to data on jobs of employees.


Dutch house prices also up in June

Prices of owner-occupied houses, excluding new constructions, were on average 2.2 percent higher in June 2014 than in June 2013. This was the third month in a row with increasing year-on-year prices.


What is the scale of greenhouse gas emissions?

What is the scale of greenhouse gas emissions?


Dutch export of business services at €42 billion

The export of services in 2016.


Investments nearly the same year-on-year

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was nearly the same as in June 2018.


Robust growth investments, particularly in passenger cars

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets grew by 19.3 percent in December 2015 on an annual basis. The increase is more substantial than in...


Measuring the internet economy with big data

A discussion paper on measuring the internet economy in the Netherlands in 2016-2018 with big data. This study repeats a similar study from 2016 for the year 2015.


Internationalisation Monitor 2017, first quarter

The key focus of this Internationalisation Monitor is bilateral trade with the United Kingdom.


Trade relations with Italy

Bilateral trade between the Netherlands and Italy: imports and import dependency versus exports and export earnings.
