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6797 results for CBS corporate news
6797 results for CBS corporate news

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Tech education gaining popularity among girls

Tech subjects are chosen by an increasing proportion of girls in secondary and higher education.


Hoe vaak zitten senioren op sociale media?

Het socialemediagebruik van ouderen heeft de laatste jaren een vlucht genomen. Vooral 65- tot 75-jarigen maken steeds meer gebruik van sociale media. In 2019 zei 76 procent van de ondervraagden in...


Bankruptcies; flow data, 1981-2011

Bankrupcty petitions, pronounced bankruptcies by source and legal form, annulled bankruptcies, and terminated bankruptcies, all by province


Unemployment rate up

Over the past three months, more people in the Netherlands who were not actively looking on the labour market have begun seeking employment, but often without success. The number of people in the...


Investments over 4 percent up in July

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 4.4 percent up in July 2019 relative to the same month last year.


453 thousand Dutch people without home internet access in 2019

In 2019, 3 percent of the Dutch population aged 12 and over did not have home internet access.


Producer confidence hardly changes

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers stood at 8.2 in October, down from from 8.5 in September.


International Trade in Goods

Read more about the survey.


average inflation rate over 2015 lowest since 1987

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the inflation rate over 2015 averaged 0.6 percent, the lowest increase in consumer prices since 1987. Falling oil prices in particular kept inflation low.


Overview of all datasets

CBS provides overviews of data files.



De export van landbouwgoederen in 2019 wordt geraamd op 94,5 miljard euro. Dit is 4,6 procent meer dan in 2018 en de hoogste exportwaarde ooit. CBS-onderzoeker Marjolijn Jaarsma vertelt er meer over...


Renewable energy

The share of renewable energy sources in Dutch final energy consumption increased from 1.6 percent in 2000 to 6.0 percent in 2016.



In 2019 reisde een recordaantal passagiers, ruim 81 miljoen, via een van de vijf nationale luchthavens van en naar Nederland. Dit is een stijging van 2,0 procent ten opzichte van 2018....


Less air traffic in February 2020

In February 2020, the aviation industry in the Netherlands recorded a year-on-year decline in the number of air passengers for the first time in seven years.


Reinoud - Head of Methodology

About Reinoud Head of Methodology


Consumer prices

Publications about consumer prices


Heat maps with income level of men and women

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is studying new types of visualisations to present complex data at a glance.


Savings 1991-2017

Deposits redeemable at notice - and with agreed maturity; Balance, mutations number of and interest payments.


The Netherlands 10 years after Lehman Brothers

The Netherlands ten years after the onset of the global credit crisis. Developments in unemployment, GDP, labour participation, housing market, social assistance benefits, debt liabilities and other...


Migration background still plays a role

The Annual Report on Integration 2016 gives an overview of various population groups with a migrant background.


Unemployment down to 6 percent

The Netherlands had 541 thousand unemployed in July, equivalent to 6.0 percent of the labour force.
