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12904 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12904 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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A regular payment of benefits to replace or supplement income from work. The benefits are paid after reaching a certain age, death or disablement.


Unnatural death

Death of a person caused by murder, manslaughter, violence, traffic accident, accident in or around the home or in and around the work place, or suicide.


Index Collective Labour Agreement (CAO in Dutch) wage rates

Index showing the development of the gross wages unconditionally due to employees when they work fulltime.


Toddler care centre

Provision for child care intended for children between 18 months and 4 years old, open on work days for a maximum of four consecutive hours.


Subsidised sector

Employees working for employers who come under the law on labour conditions for the subsidised sector (Wet Arbeidsvoorwaardenontwikkeling Gepremieerde en Gesubsidieerde Sector).


Investments almost 7 percent up in April

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 6.7 percent up in April 2019 relative to the same month last year.


Residence permit for an indefinite period

Introduced on 1 April 2001 when the Immigration Law of 2000 came into force. The holder has a work permit, and no employment permit is required.



A person who has a contract with an economic unit to carry out work in return for financial remuneration.


Income insurance

Insurance covering the risk of loss of income from work or insufficient income due to certain needs or other personal circumstances (such as illness, disability, unemployment, old age or death).



Everything that is built and consists of walls and a roof, with a permanent character, intended for accommodation, trade, transport, and/or work. Not included are greenhouses and storage tanks.


Index figures traffic density; 2000 = 100

Index figures traffic density by most important road categories and by type of day (weekday/working day) and region


Redundancy Pay Fund

Fund paying out unemployment benefits for a maximum of six months for employees who worked in the branch of industry right before they became unemployed.


Self-employed with employees

A person who works for his/her own account and risk - in an own company or practice (self-employed entrepreneur), or - as an owner-manager, and - who has employees.


Sheltered Employment Act (WSW)

The aim of the law is to create employment for people who can work but cannot succeed in finding regular employment due to physical or mental disabilities.



An umbrella concept for the filled and unfilled demand for work by employees and self-employed people. Several related concepts are jobs, unfilled vacancies, employed people, employed labour force...


Field of education SOI 2006

The place of educational programs in the Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI) 2006 based on the economic sector, area of working live or scientific area on which the program focuses.


Part-time job

A job for which there is a permanent contract and for which a fixed number of hours was agreed that is less than the number of hours in a full day’s or working week.


Credit institutions

A legal unit that has financial mediation as its main activity, that is the acquisition, transformation and issuing of financial assets. This includes working with withdrawable money, providing loans...



A person who works for his/her own account and risk in an own company or practice (self-employed entrepreneur) or as owner of a company who is on the payroll of the own company as a director...


Labour income quote

The share of the rewards for labour in the net value added in the economy. The pay for labour includes the pay for employees plus the attributed pay for self-employed people and family-members...


Self-employed without employees

A person who works for his/her own account and risk - in an own company or practice (self-employed entrepreneur), or - as an owner-manager, or - as another self-employed person (for example in an...


Duration of a strike

The duration in working days per conflict is determined by the company that has the longest strike action. In case of several strike actions within one company due to one conflict, the duration of...


Non-commercial services

Services that are not primarily engaged in profit making. SIC sections O-U. These include: public administration and defence; compulsory social security; education; health and social work; other...


National Assistance Act (ABW)

Law rescinded on 1 January 2004 and replaced by the Work and Social Assistance Act (WWB) . It was a social provision for financial support to people who did not have the means to support themselves....



Temporarily stopping the work of employees by the employer.
