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6797 results for CBS corporate news
6797 results for CBS corporate news

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Dutch exporters facing more trade regulations

Since establishment of the WTO in 1995, import tariffs have declined around the world. Exporters nevertheless have to comply with more and more regulations.


Health expenditure; providers, financing, internat. comparisons, 2005-2016

Health Accounts; providers and financing, with link to Dutch Health and Social Care Accounts


Highest point consumer confidence in almost 10 years

Highest point consumer confidence in almost 10 years


Internationalisation Monitor 2018, fourth quarter

The Internationalisation Monitor describes trends in internationalisation and their consequences for the Dutch economy and society.


COEN Business Survey Netherlands

Introduction of The Business Survey Netherlands (COEN) presents the mood among Dutch entrepreneurs.


Economy continues to grow

Economy continues to grow


Historic drop in consumer confidence

Consumer confidence has plummeted in April on account of the COVID-19 crisis.


Dutch consumers spent €1.9 bn in EU webshops in 2019

Last year, Dutch consumers purchased 1.9 billion euros worth of products from foreign EU webshops. This is 19.3 percent more than in 2018, when spending amounted to 1.6 billion euros.


Producer price indices for services (SPPI); index 2010=100, 2002-2017

Price indices commercial services, different branches such as transport and storage, IT and architecture


Half of Dutch population meet physical activity guidelines

In 2019, almost half of the Dutch population aged 4 years and over complied with the standards for physical activity as set by the Health Council of the Netherlands.


Price rise on Bonaire and Saba higher than on Statia

In Q3 2018, consumer prices on Bonaire were 3.5 percent higher than one year previously. Prices also rose on St Eustatius and Saba, by 1.1 and by 4.4 percent year-on-year respectively.


Economic growth 0.1 percent in third quarter of 2015

According to the second estimate on economic growth conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), economic growth in the Netherlands was 0.1 percent in the third quarter of 2015 relative to the second...


January's inflation rate marginally lower

January’s inflation rate according to the consumer price index (CPI) was 0.6 percent. In December consumer prices were 0.7 percent higher than one year previously.


Flash estimate European harmonised price index (HICP)

About Flash estimate European harmonised price index (HICP)


Economic growth 0.2 percent in second quarter of 2015

According to the second estimate of economic growth conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the Dutch economy grew 0.2 percent in Q2 2015 relative to Q1 2015.


CO2 emissions higher in Q4 2018

In Q4 2018, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were up by 0.5 percent year-on-year. Households and the transport sector emitted more CO2, while energy companies produced less.


Object oriented quality management (OQM), a management model for quality

CBS is looking for a suitable model for quality management. One reason is that CBS wants to manage quality in a systematic way to meet the European Statistics Code of Practice and the Quality...


Largest number of enterprise births since 2009

In 2017 there were 73 thousand more enterprise births than deaths, the highest number since 2009.
